Saturday, May 23, 2009

What Are The Best Cardio Pills

Muret 1213, Martin Alvira

money have I spent a little book with more substance (or have spent My daughter, who was the one who gave it to me).

Muret 1213 is a treaty that can be enjoyed from start to finish, not to say that pleasure is extreme when reading about a subject so interesting, for Some geeks like me, as this battle was decisive for the history not only of Aragon, but throughout Spain and the setting of Mediterranean Europe.

A scholarship of the author must add the facility to put all that knowledge (and that this is a "summary" of his thesis) to the level of lay readers like me. Also present is very concerned about the issue from all possible optical, taking ownership of each source and even entering the sociological background of each decision, each protagonist. Total

, I've enjoyed most this treaty with many historical novels. So exciting is, and see that the end was seen come ...


On Thursday, September 12, 1213, troops Catalan and Occitan Aragon King of Aragon Peter's Catholic were facing the castle of Muret, not far from Toulouse. There were the French knights of Count Simon de Montfort, leader of the crusade preached by Pope Innocent III in 1208 against the Cathars of southern France. Military circumstances announced an easy victory of King Pedro and the consolidation of a large English-Occitan feudal monarchy straddling the Pyrenees. However, the battle of Muret became one of those losses that changed the course of Age Media. Left to the Crown of Aragon beheaded for two decades and allowed the incorporation of the territories Occitan a crown of France in full expansion.
Getting into the minds of its protagonists-counts and kings, crusaders and troubadours, bishops and heretics, this book examines the roots of conflict that led to a king of Aragon to die near Toulouse and the consequences of a battle that marked the beginning of the end of the Catalan-Aragonese hegemony in the south of France.
A legendary battle that changed the course of history.

Muret 1213. The decisive battle of crusade against the Cathars.
Martín Alvira Cabrer
Editorial Ariel. Over 35 eurillos
450 pages (including interesting diagrams, illustrations and maps).

Monday, May 4, 2009

American Fare Pregnancy Test Positive

Award Winners Stories I HdH

already know!

And the news is great: three women rise to the top three in the contest I tell stories of Medieval History.

As a member of the jury for this prize I want to congratulate all participants without a difference. And also congratulate Javier Sanz, proponent of this idea that I hope becomes a tradition.

The winning story, worthy of the highest average score among the jurors, has been The healer of Cordoba, the Maria Lourdes Otero Valladolid León. After this beautiful story
Andalusian well clinging to the historical facts Among the charming story water and sky of the lark Ivy Montse Adell, a Valencia has managed to make magic with words. And
Alicante, Verónica Martínez Amat, drew with good work history Petrer And the bells rang, a review of one of the most curious and unknown in the Middle Ages ...

Soon we will enjoy the stories. Again congratulations to all and thanks for letting me be part of it.

Women Power!