Sunday, October 18, 2009

Object Oriented Database Advantages


Due to the success, quantity and quality stories of I HdH Short Story Award Medieval , STORIES OF HISTORY continues with such calls. The following is the call and bases new event, this time aimed at secondary students. A good way to stimulate kids' interest in cultural heritage, so it would be nice that you contribuyerais asomáis this blog to spread the matter. Thanks in advance and here goes:

History Stories summons, together with the magazines " Archaeology, History and Travel the Medieval World" / " Archaeology, History i Viatges on Mon Medieval " Prime Contest MEDIEVAL URBAN LEGENDS / MMX. "


1. Any school can participate Secondary, public or private.

2. Each "Legend" can be written in any language (Castilian, Catalan, Valencian, Euskera, Galician, English, French, etc ...) and have a minimum length of five (5) pages and a maximum of seven (7) pages, typed on a face (30 lines per page and 70 characters per line) accompanied by graphic material (photographs, illustrations, maps, etc ...). Be original, unpublished and have not been submitted to another contest. No submission of "Legends" for Secondary Schools College Secundario.Las participants should write about a History-Medieval legend of their local environment (a King, a Noble, a Santa or Holy, a Monk, a chapel, a cathedral, a church, a castle, a battle, a Caliph, an Emir, a tower, a monastery, a Friar, a minstrel or troubadour, a writer, a painter, a Knight, etc ...) but always in the environment near the City and County of Secondary School participant.

3. The "Legends" to be sent before March 15, 2010, by email, in Word format and artwork in jpg or tif at: or Also, if you wish, you can send mail Editorial ordinary Arion / Edit Toison, street Ravella, 14, bajos, 08021 Barcelona. Original and one copy.

4. Along with the "Legend" must include the name, address, email and telephone from high school and the teacher's name and the subject they teach. Being himself the spokesperson and responsible, together with the Centre, Competition in which they participate. May not be used pseudonyms, or "legends" that do not contain all the information listed.

5. Stories in History ( and "Archaeology, History and Travel on the Medieval World" / "Archaeology, History i Viatges on on Mon Medieval "take the necessary measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of data sent, using them only to manage the contest.

6. The jury is composed by at least five persons qualified in matters of medieval history. The identity of the member shall not be made public until the issue of fault.

7. The jury's decision will be issued on April 23, 2010. Stories in History ( ) and "Archaeology, History and Travel on the Medieval World" / "Archaeology, History i Viatges on Mon Medieval" reserve the right you can change the date of fallo.Los awards will be notified by Stories of History ( and the magazine "Archaeology, History and Travel on the Medieval World" / "Archaeology, History i Viatges on Mon Medieval "to the winners by registered mail indicating the location of the award.

8. The jury award, not only the literary quality, but also the interest, the plot and the mystery that envelops every "Legend." Due to technical / financial awards will be published in November or December, but as a small advance that they have to do with Medieval Fairs (Of the many taking place across our country), lots of books and magazines themselves patrocinadoras.El Jury may declare any or all of the awards.

9 .- Both the "Legend" winner, as the finalists and finalists, may be published or "hung" on the website of the magazine "Archaeology, History and Travel on the Medieval World" or "Archaeology, History i Viatges on on Mon Medieval or, if deemed appropriate wording, along with the name of the Centre.

10. Winners agree that their name is used in any advertising medium to which resort to promote the campaign Competition.

11. By participating, the secondary schools accept these rules and the criteria of and the magazine "Archaeology, History and Travel on the Medieval World" / "Archaeology, History i Viatges on Mon Medieval" for the resolution of any dispute that may arise in connection with their development.

12. The terms of this competition will be available from October 15, 2009 at the gates Stories in History ( and /

can also consult the news directly STORIES OF HISTORY :

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Diaper Stroller Instructions

Dawn Knight online Alba

that we left.


Knight Alba recreates the five years during which Juan Diego Martínez de Marcilla trying to get fortune that you make the hand of his beloved Isabel de Segura. They are the Lovers of Teruel .

is not important to know the famous legend of the lovers, but for whom the unknown will be a wonderful way to understand the love of these two young men of Teruel. It all begins in a dark dungeon where the young Diego Valencia awaiting death by the grace of fate can relive the past five years, since the beginning of the adventure target was to achieve wealth in order to marry his sweetheart Isabel . There, in a terrible darkness stilled by a faint ray of sunshine, tells an old man to write his adventures under the watchful eye of Madame de Valencia, Zulima, who is kind to the young.

For the long days go shelling of his early years as second fiddle son, the resurgence of deep love for Isabel and promise to trace his father's hand will give his only daughter, Isabel, if he gets over five years to make a fortune. Since his departure from Teruel fight against the infidels, will go to support their king in the land that holds beyond the Pyrenees and come to the Holy Land, but the end is in a cell in Valencia. The end is in an executioner's ax.

Sebastian Roa has chosen a autobiographical, as is Diego who narrates his life to us over the past five years. Has thus managed to create a story is well told and getting hooked from the first page. Not only is remarkable recreation of the characters , perfectly shaped. but the author knows how to use narrative rhythm. The choice of telling the story in the mouth of the protagonist has been a success, it gives depth to the plot and allows in the slower parts, that is, those who do not speak of battles or skirmishes, no will do anything heavy. they are now to meet Diego as a man in love and having a clear objective. Also

is remarkable narrative form that lets you enter in the early thirteenth century in a way nothing heavy modern language is intertwined with the old forming sentences that hit our ears but are perfect in this story.

adventures, battles, joys and sorrows will be marking the life of our young protagonist, who night after night dreaming of his beloved and the promise he made. In the end it is well known by many, but important thing is not the end but the journey Diego has done to reach your destination.

A book worth reading.

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only remains to thank NovelaHistó for having read the book and rejoice over the good impression they have left. Again, mission accomplished.

also makes me laugh and I like coincidences of life that the announcement of the review appears next to the third title of the trilogy, Santiago Posteguillo on Scipio Rome's betrayal. Right now I'm embarking on the second title, damned Legions, and with intent to sink your teeth into the third and so have been able to read all three books in a row. I have the pleasure of meeting the author and have attended the Creative Writing workshop in Valencia, a very pleasant and rewarding experience, but apart is that this trilogy is amazing. Historical Fiction truth, good ...