Friday, February 26, 2010

Dog Has Bites All Over Stomach

days in Valencia

Next on 4, 5 and 6 March will take place the I Conference in Valencia Historical Novel in the Faculty of Philology. With a clearly focused program the classical world, it seems a must for all fans, and from the perspective of the writer, and from the reader. Sounds like a good initiative. Perhaps the fact take place in working hours can be negative, and the same could be said of these conferences scheduled in Valencia ..., especially in attracting attendees from outside the Community. But the topics look interesting, and there are special sections dedicated to the Recreation can bring to the scene. We'll see what that's Historical Novel Prize Valentia thinks Akron call.

more information or / courses

Of course, I'm already signed up.



09.00 h. - Opening of the Conference
09.15 h. - Conference Opening: Have fun learning (Gisbert Haefs)
10.30 h. - Alexander the Great and Apollonius of Tyre, two classic models for first European novels (Rafael Beltran)
11:30 - Hold
12:00 pm - The stories of the battle: the case of Alexander at Gaugamela (Alexander Noguera)
16:30 - Mesa redonda: Antonio Gabriel Castellon Penadés + + + Jordi Gisbert Haefs Redondo
19:00 - Presentation "Cinco Miradas on the historical novel." IVECO. Calle de Caballeros, 22 46001 Valencia.


9:15 pm - History as a literary genre and historical as History (Fernando Grade)
10.30 am - Cosas de iberas: everyday life in Iberia (analized V-BC) (Consuelo Mata)
11:30 - Hold
12:00 pm - Greece i als infants i Roma explicades joves (Gemma Lluch)
13:00 h. - Night Tales: heritage, characters, songs and good palate (Vicente Sesé)
16:30 h. - Roundtable: Santiago Posteguillo + G ª Gual Carlos Ferran Grau + + Consuelo Mata
19:00 pm - Presentation of new publications (Ed. Akron). Casa del Libro, Valencia

SATURDAY 6 h. 09.15 - The live classical world: the historical recreation (Alejandro and Javier Planells Mohorte)
10.30 h. - Domus Baebia: didactic use of historical recreation of the classic world
11:30 h. - Pause
12:00 h. - Closing Conference: Perspective on Greek and Roman novels in the twentieth century: issues and approaches (Carlos Garcia Gual)
13:00 h. - End of Days
16:30 h. - Play the Battle of Gaugamela. L'Iber (Museum of toy soldiers.) Calle de Caballeros, 22, 46001 Valencia (limited) 22.00 h.
- Gala Dinner. Award Presentation 'Valentia' historical novel


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Electric Toothbrush Coupons Sonic

Historical Novel of Honor Fidelis 2010

This weekend I returned to Teruel. There, oblivious to everything around me, I've left my honor by a group of good people. I have tried to address some things: letters I have written, I have shown values, I dug trenches ...

Actually I think I have honored because they should think of something, however little, I look to them.

For if we look like something, that is the greatest honor.

Procter Regem ...

Fidelis usque ad!

-:: -

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Response Card Dietary Needs

two years as two lovers

TWO years ago today saw the light EL CABALLERO DEL ALBA
A road full of trouble, such as that endured the Diego de Marcilla itself, but also full of illusions. The time is growing short, Diego, and each passing day misses a day less. Nothing, no one can stop you'll join Isabella, whoever you put in front ...