Monday, June 21, 2010

Does Sore Tooth Cost Sore Throat

Historical Novel Prize

This weekend we emulated our conquering king, but making their life journey in reverse. Valencia have traveled to Monzón, where the Shire of Middle Cinca and the Centre for Historical Studies of Monsoon we had prepared a surprise: at the foot of his castle, in the House of Culture montisonense, was presented the Award County Historical Novel of the Middle Cinca , in its second edition (2009). The winning work, Blood Revenge, is the novel that I wrote from early 2007 until late 2009 , a little touch football action which starts just after the Sicilian Vespers but finds its core in the events that took place in the first quarter of the fourteenth century.
The basis of this competition are quite restrictive. If I understand correctly, is the contest closes Historical Novel more matter in Spain. In this second edition was required to contemplate the fall of the Knights Templar , given that 2009 marked the 700 th anniversary of the surrender of Monsoon, the last stronghold of the Templars, to the forces of James II of Aragon. Also, of course, that at least part of the plot takes place in the territories of the current Shire of Middle Cinca. It was a real lucky that my Blood Revenge, which had healing as a ham, met the requirements. So there was. To Monzón.

On the left, the castle church. The place where the monks were ordered to warriors is now an audiovisual scene dramatizes the last moments of the parcel over Temple stubborn. On the right, general view of the castle (Artehistoria). Below, Jaime I. tower The surprise visitor wondered how a king could be raised in similar straits.
Awards aside, Monsoon offers the lover of the Middle Ages one of the jewels of our history : Templar Castle, a must. Apart from the stand as the last bastion of order during the unfortunate process that ended with the Knights Templar montisonense strength shows places where he received his education, the most famous king of Aragon, Jaime I. And, something I was unaware, kept within its walls a different story, that of the French who resisted the guns and mines during the English conquest of the castle in the War of Independence.

Below these lines, left, buildings of the refectory and tower. On the right, inside the refectory

As a literary contest, the Jury this year was chaired by and composed Francho Begoña Nagore Sarroca, José Ángel Sánchez, José Antonio Adell, Joaquín Sanz and Jose Galindo. The presidents of both agencies (County and Cehimo), accompanied by the councilman of Culture of the Region, Eduardo Pueyo, and the same Nagore, were the components of the table on which the act was official. The importance of the prize for raising awareness of the region and its history, and to contribute to that much maligned in the past: Cultural. The awards ceremony was enlivened musical and poetic, and a small Templar detachment interrupted the ceremony to witness the presence of former friars, among them Darius English, second prize with his work Non Nobis, Domine. fallen angels. What Darius is 100% effective, novel writing, an award that takes. Are two, and what you rondaré, brunette.

Anyway, very good atmosphere at Monsoon, both during and after the formal act, enjoying the chat d and cold beer. Especially 'm proud, of course , with impressions of Nagore on Blood Revenge , appreciating the level of historical documentation and the "office" with which it is written, and vestiges of nineteenth-century novel and current adventures. was also very pleasant chat with the judges and hear from you to you the impressions of the work reading.

Along these lines, Nagore Francho winner gave the diploma under the watchful eye of several Templars

A very special memory for Gloria House, the hostel where we stayed . Almost seemed that we were still at home, because no one can feel more welcome. Not to mention the beauty of the building and those montisonenses breakfast piece. Strongly recommended.

remains to show what is Blood Revenge. But it is also way. We will not go all at once. Enough to say, despite everything, a novel that transcends the issue of the Templars. Blood Revenge domination is immersed in Mediterranean Crown of Aragon, in the intricacies of the foreign ministry of James II, in the western European environment of the early fourteenth century, especially in the human condition.

Right, Templar board inside the dining hall in the castle of Monzón. Much has been written about these monks warriors in recent times, but so that the most common is automatically associated with the esoteric whimsy, puzzles, conspiracies to overthrow the Church, Mary Magdalene and the rest of the pie. Both the Templars and the relics and are on very medieval superstition, but also can be treated with objectivity.

the news links Ro nda Somontano (revist Somontano to digital Barbastro) , in Diario del Alto Aragón in Radio Huesca and the official website of the Shire of Middle Cinca .