Monday, November 9, 2009

Suave Cocoa Butter On Face


Every now and then without prior notice your memory visits me.Sometimes it just passes through, with a fleeting memory of your smile or of the look of your brown eyes, only an instant of you and then you have already gone.
Other times, however, it refuses to leave, it sleeps with me and wakes up in my arms.In this fall evening, with your memory embraced to my pillow I almost can perceive your scent and pass my fingers through your hair, I could spend hours watching you sleep around me, because I miss you and you don´t know how much!
I miss the beat of your heart, your breathing, your hands, your voice.
I miss to see myself in your eyes when you look at me with that spark of complicity with a mischievous smile on your face.
I miss your four day beard and your old shoes under the bed.
I miss hearing your thoughts on the air and see how you build your dreams.
I miss feeling safe in your arms and be part of your life.
I miss so many things of you my love and I miss that you miss me.
I would wish you were here instead your memory to tell you how much I love you and that losing you hurt me so much.
To tell you that I made a mistake, there has not been neither time
nor distance nor city to forget you.
If only I had known that this goodbye was going to be forever I would never have left without telling you how much I love you.
If only I had Known what my life would be without you I would have fought for you. But "would have" doesn´t exists.
Now is too late to love you and so useless to miss you.
All left to do is distract myself away from you, to pretend that I have forgotten you, until your memory without prior notice, decides to come, again.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

My Hardwood Floors Feel Humid

RAINS FALL decembrinas

Invierno, es invierno y no estas aqui. El viento azota mi calma y las lluvias decembrinas intensifican el frio alojado en mi corazon. El tiempo calmo mas serene not aspire to forget, but it is winter and raining outside and not here.

The whispers of the night to soothe my soul and that chill that runs through my body while the walls of your room empty filtered memories of nights spent. Half-open curtains let in the sighs of April and May are suppressed murmurs in the old mattress that refuses to forget.

months ago and you left your scent is still here, your essence is hiding under the covers with the memory of your sweet and warm skin, I burn the fingertips with only imagine. If only I could touch you one more time.

So many secrets hidden in drawers and in the trunk under the bed, at first glance there is nothing for you, just fleeting memories that seem to perish with time. Spend June, July and August for clockwise and already I have forgotten but come September and emerge from nothing, because the fall does not know of oblivion.

between kisses and caresses dead withered seems resigned in December, my lips numb me about your absence. The cold winter knocks at my door and I aspire to forget, but it is winter and raining outside and not here.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Funniest Birthday Card Contest

[2a] -0010 to 01,100,001

Ella -
Was not the one that touches the hearts Aztec?
Was not he who disturbs my skin with her singing?
Who devour with my thinking.
Was not he who with his eyes penetrated me?
who takes my mind to faraway places
and put my feet peacocks and mockingbirds.
Adornóme with jade and precious stones.
Was not it?
Now I ask you it you are claiming this body,
you've conquered your black stars,
as they did with your land. He

I like women who touch me with the chord
some eccentric instrument,
the glans with the tip of the tongue.
That heavenly singing his mouth go to
love poems.
undressing the canvas of his last painting,
to bare their breasts.
I delighted with the movement of his feet,
to the beat of Tchaikovsky,
to make me groan with the movement of her hips.
Why crave more intellectual exchange,
than his fluid into my mouth.
the same way I love to have you as well.
Because when you go, that you will,
leave me your smile, your memories, your hobbies.
I leave part of your soul, your mind, I will cut thy
And as you are,
Openly, without masks.
'll know what you truly want in a man,
so I can sculpt the image of your desires.

Ella -
Reject "the warmth of my womb?
You reject the scent of my perfume in your chest?
Zoom "your thinking of my nakedness?
Do not you realize I'm giving you home in my thighs?
If you break my clothes at this time,
not be more grateful before, a woman with a man. Snatches
my privacy! Take it off!
Saciate! No the scorn! Doing so,
kill me suddenly.

Him -
would not know how to touch you.
But we both know our place.
confundiésemos we do not want our role.
Every night I think, after seeing that I just,
that see you smile is enough for my soul.
I look in the crowd.
My heart is weakened by your absence.
My eyes cry if you do not meet.
My mandolin ceases to be
and becomes a simple block of wood.
Because his voice was made especially for you.
much I want to say go!
So never the twain would not suffer.
Let me go among the cowboys playing mandolin me. Let me continue singing
Jimenez music.
But look at me, hear me, because if you do not,
kill me suddenly.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pokemon Black Cydia Rom

die suddenly [2] - 0010 El Mariachi

In a bar in Chicago, was a Mexican.
wore jeans and hip belt piteado.
snake boots, a red bandana around his neck tight, long black hair
with a tequila in hand.

had black eyes, who bared his soul.
The color of his skin resembled that of the earth,
Making clear its roots, Nahua.
ranchera played music, the mandolin denoted calm.

sang incessantly, music by José Alfredo,
all enjoyed watching him and his song disappeared suddenly
any kind of fear,
and happiness to everyone caused tears.

Among all had someone who seemed beautiful,
The structure of your body, your skin color,
More than beautiful or attractive, it seemed harmonious.
His singing, his way of looking, it seemed honey.

was a female who is excited
With just the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving once,
In this Aztec at the bar sang
Every night at about ten o'clock.

eccentricity He imagined her naked skin,
His hands touching everywhere,
Feel the jungle between their legs and remain silent, O
be moaning until dawn.

He felt the eyes of this divine woman,
which caused him some lethargy,
The thought that his arms might fall,
He did sweat for a long moment.

came the end of the performance that night was already
, about one o'clock.
musician almost came to open his car
When he drag its American trembling.