Roundtable on Thursday, May 6. Topic: Historical Novel. We had the opportunity to spend a very nice and friendly in the Aula Magna of the Universitat Jaume I de Castellón , Department of European Languages \u200b\u200band Cultures.

Saving the funny detail of the name (Roa, Roas, Rodes ...) I have to say that, as always, was a pleasure to share a table with Posteguillo Santiago, who always learn a lot, plus I had the opportunity to meet the writer and journalist Nacho Ares, besides enjoying an argument to which he said a very good degree the public.
We must thank especially Marina Lopez, professor of the UJI who organized the table, and the director of the department, Jesus Bermudez, a man really friendly and affable, and Professor and Vice Chancellor Manuel Chust, moderated and spoke us actively in the debate. If mine is to make trouble ...
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