Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Biggest Boobs In The Bollywood

Roundtable at Castellón.

Roundtable on Thursday, May 6. Topic: Historical Novel. We had the opportunity to spend a very nice and friendly in the Aula Magna of the Universitat Jaume I de Castellón , Department of European Languages \u200b\u200band Cultures.

Saving the funny detail of the name (Roa, Roas, Rodes ...) I have to say that, as always, was a pleasure to share a table with Posteguillo Santiago, who always learn a lot, plus I had the opportunity to meet the writer and journalist Nacho Ares, besides enjoying an argument to which he said a very good degree the public.

We must thank especially Marina Lopez, professor of the UJI who organized the table, and the director of the department, Jesus Bermudez, a man really friendly and affable, and Professor and Vice Chancellor Manuel Chust, moderated and spoke us actively in the debate. If mine is to make trouble ...

The link to the video on the website of the UJI: =



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