is already published the list of lucky. Second Edition and second smash hit of the contest that puts us in trouble a few, but I must say: it does not sting like scabies.
This year, in addition to Toison editions, editorial also involved ViaMagna, Escritores.org and Mexican poet Salvador Statement, which was taken from the manga some great story lines dedicated to winning. A luxury.
Well: last year were three women who rose to the top three spots. This year we have two . As I said in the blog of Harvey, Stories from the History, you have to put the batteries, boys, that they are sticking very strong in the historical narrative.
The winner of this year has been Mats Mercedes Santos, author of the story Swords Cruces, words. A story that uses the resource of the manuscript found in a very original and, indeed, very English ...
Butterflies and has been called second. The author, Gloria Viviana Aires Echevarría. To emphasize the great sensitivity surrounding this story, both in substance and in form.
a third place in Salamanca, although based in the Madriles, "Manuel Jesus Prieto Martín, with the four Street Cantillo. historical person in trouble historic ... I think this story might be part of something bigger. Cheer up, Manuel.
Outside the podium are other stories that I have to say, I have really enjoyed . Of the finalists, I would like to mention Breath of Truth The secret box of Giotto and Verses. And I'm sure there are others who have not come to read and have captivated me as well. Congratulations to all participants. Congratulations also to stories of history, that is, Javi. You get in trouble giblets, citizen.
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