Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ford Escort Rough Idle In Gear

Amiga's game four

1. Once nominated @ you have to put the link of the blog you have nominated.


2. Nominate four persons: Aileen

Ana Alicia

Sawi (Sawako )

3. Do these people know that you've nominated.

said than done sir.

4 Things always in my bag:

-Mobile-Wallet with Money ( if not a bit stupid )

-Gum ( I am addicted to Orbit Eucalyptus)

-A pen coupled to a notebook through an elastic rubber band me gave my cousin.

4 Favorite Things in my room:

- My bookshelf ( am very cranky and are perfectly arranged alphabetically )

- My posters ( Roooooooooooob )

- My board .

- My huge collection of stuffed animals (I have up Pokemon 1 meter high and a platypus Perry xD but it is not ... )

4 Things I like right now:


Biology - Read

- Write

- Be the ordenadorcillo.

4 Things I always wanted to do:

- Give a tour of the world (especially go to London, New Zealand, Japan, Egypt and the U.S. )

- not bad to get back ever ever , ever ...

- Living in each and every historical period.

- Live as the protagonist of a book ( bone, star adventure)

4 Things You Did not Know Me ("Only four?) :

- I had a guinea pig named Francisca (Paquita Paca or for friends )

- I'll Ballet from 4 years and my intention is not to leave until studies prevent me from continuing it.

- I like to be a medical examiner or criminologist, but I am very disgusted blood.

- I've never had serious boyfriend (now not, nothing further two boyfriends I had in childhood, but that does not count )

4 songs that I can not get my head:

Beware - La Oreja de Van Gogh

I'm only me when I'm with you - Taylor Swift

Boring Brick by Brick ; (BBBB ) - Paramore

Unable to stay Unwilling to leave - James Horner (Titanic Soundtrack )



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