Sunday, November 7, 2010

Can You Get Pokemon Black White For Gps Phone

All songs have a story in the rain Stand

so often heard him play I knew all the songs on your piano whispered. He had a special gift, composed songs inspired by people I knew and tried to get the melodies fits your personality. Needless to say, always succeed and can not imagine how. Once he wrote one for me. I do not remember his name, just know that was one of the most beautiful songs had ever touched. The other was composed by her mother the day she died. I could not explain in words how it was, but I did mourn, you were very callous. I knew there was a gift, though he did not recognize before. Since that day only played for me in the mornings. It was so wonderful to wake up with music that, no matter how bad the day, always seemed nice. Only played the song twice, one at the funeral of his mother, the other minutes before dying. Always remember that melody.

Since then no day has been nice.

Ithilwen \u0026lt;3


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