Saturday, December 18, 2010

Toliet Paper Roll Penis

January 20

tears sliding down her face like a dagger in a heart of stone. From the bank sees hundreds of happy families smiling while playing with the snow. She knows she can never do that because all their hopes were dashed that winter with him. I knew that would happen because everything was getting too weird. And she knew when the train left the station and saw her eyes empty glass.

The steam escapes from his mouth frozen in a sigh. A wry smile forms on his lips, lips that he never again to kiss, lips that will never form sincere smiles, because any trace of joy in his heart could have snuck in the train and escaped the arm of that monster man.

She crumples the paper has in his hands and presses it into his hand. It hurts but that only serves to make more tears came into her eyes. She is the one guilty of that. Fell in love with those eyes, made them indispensable to live and now they've gone do not know how to proceed with his life. There are days that have no power or out of this prison is home has not yet had the courage to look in the mirror, face the reality. He wants to believe that he will return as he left, that one day he would a letter or phone call, but in the background your heart knows that will never happen, that he has forgotten that already has another woman who say nice words to hear.

The ghost of his love makes fun of her from afar, everything looks like a cruel joke of fate past. His hands start to shake. She kisses the ball of paper and drawing strength from weakness throws the ball to that ghost, making it disappear. Rose the bank and, weeping, runs away from that accursed place. Εïз
few steps walking on the snow on that park so special. His feet are faced with a crumpled paper ball with lipstick on one side. He stoops to pick it up feeling a hunch. That lipstick was the one she wore. I had kissed so many times ... He opened the paper and hopes were broken to pieces. It is a picture of them two kissing at the park. I did not expect that she has overcome her departure, still wanted to believe that love him, but now you see that picture knows that it is not, you've forgotten, who rolled their photos. And he is the only guilty for leaving when he should not, for being so cowardly and hurt the person you love. Save the picture in the pocket of his coat and ran away from there while tears from his eyes.


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