Friday, August 20, 2010

How Deep Is The Normal Hymen

Once upon a time under a cherry tree ...

I found him under a tree, a beautiful cherry blossoms that had witnessed the waste of kissing, fondling and reproaches of hundreds of couples broken.

- What are you doing here? Did you sent it? He whispered when he realized that he was behind it.

"She has nothing to do with it. I've been on my own.

"Great, she turned to me and saw that his cheeks were shiny and wet, had been crying.

took a step back, eyes full of tears that scared me, I had never seen my brother mourn. For a moment I forgot the reason why he was there.

-Dan, what's wrong? Why are you crying?

did not answer, then I remembered that he had left my best friend, she asked me to come and talk to him since he was not answering her calls. In fact take a week does not appear at home. I sat beside her and rested my head on his shoulder.

"If it was you who decided to leave, why are you complaining now? So ...

-not you dare say "he muttered.

- ... nia. Sorry, it is fatal, has tried to slash his wrists and all.

He gave a bitter laugh as a tear slid down her cheek and fell into his lap.

"I'm serious. Why did you? I thought that was what you wanted in the world.

"It was not.

- Then why you went with it?

"That's what I love most in the world.

"Look, Daniel, do not understand. First you leave, then not show up at home, come here, I find you crying and telling me that you still want someone who has done so much damage. What the hell are you? You're my brother, it is assumed that I have to take example from you right? "My eyes filled with tears to see that Daniel was still looking straight ahead, shedding tears and not listen to me" why you left?

For the second time since I was there I looked into his eyes and saw something that got my heart shrinks.

"Anne, remember that a week ago I went to the doctor for some tests I did it?

nodded slightly.

-Dan, you're scaring me a lot.

-In these tests I was diagnosed with a tumor in the lung.

- Will doing surgery? Oh my God.

He stared and I knew there were going to operate. My eyes overflowed.

"It's too late," she whispered.

could not be true. My brother could not die. It was impossible, there must be a joke if it was a joke from my brother, the kind that just make you grace to him. I laughed, a laugh, clean, insane laughter.

"How funny you are, Dan. But lets make a joke and not fair. Seriously, why did you leave Sonia? "

-Ann, I'm going to die, it's no joke.

Then I realized it was true. My brother was dying. I tried to look strong, but could not, wanted too much to pass up Daniel. I hugged him with all my heart, as if that way I could stay with him forever.

- Time? "Was all I managed to articulate between sobs and tears.

his arm around my shoulders and then I saw it.

A sharp stone covered with blood.

eyes widened and I left him.

- NO! "I shouted. THIS CAN NOT MAKE U.S.!

Daniel turned and saw two red marks on her wrists, her forearms covered in blood.

"Sorry, Anna Tell mom and dad that I want.

- AND I DO! "I sobbed. How could you be so selfish? "Then I broke down, got dizzy and had to sit down, can not go, you can not do this to us. Can not leave me alone. DANIEL! Answer me, damn it, say something!

did not speak. I knelt before him and put my hands on the cheeks, raised his head, a dead weight. His eyes were empty. He was gone.

I let
a howl of rage. I got up and I punched the tree, I clawed hands, a handful of splinters dug into my fingers, but I did not care, that was nothing compared to the pain in his chest.

I read an inscription on the tree covered with blood, a heart around two names, Daniel and Sonia.

I took the stone with which my brother had killed himself on the back and saw the same inscription on the tree. Placed a stone in the hand of my brother and I hugged him.

Shedding tears at the end I fell asleep.

* * * * *

I found under a tree, a beautiful cherry blossoms that had witnessed the waste of kissing, fondling and reproaches of hundreds of couples broken. A cherry tree that he saw a boy take off his life and how her sister lost forever. A cherry tree from that day will not ever bloom again ..


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