Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How Long Until Mussels Go Bad

complex Damned always bring out the worst ... Under the umbrella

Sixteen years old, fierce, I thought the king of the world my motto flag: "What I say I do not listen" . There was nobody who could make a little change course, my idea first and not weighing very heavily. And so I rebelled against everything, even the Sun, living so distorted and I was angry with the world. Damn complex always bring out the worst. I "in the force will be the best" , I dressed up as one that was not me. Looking for that firm came to a black site and thought that was the value. And so I had to stop being who was , thinking that being a coward, which was to be believed. The brave are those who are true, nor the strong, or wars. The brave are those who can mourn with their faces uncovered. And so I rebelled against everything, even the Sun, living so distorted and I was angry with the world. Damn complex always bring out the worst. I "in the force will be the best" , I dressed up as one that was not me. Looking for that firm came to a black site and thought that was the value. The value today is look at his face and be who I am . And so I rebelled against everything, even the Sun, living so distorted and I was angry with the world. Damn complex always bring out the worst. I "will force best ", one that I dressed was not me. Looking for that firm came to a black site and I thought that was the value . Sixteen years old, fierce.

16 years old, Dani Martín.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Volunteer Hours Letter Sample Court

A boy, a girl, two friends, a shy autumn sun, clouds and a closed umbrella in a corner class. Two accomplices smiles and two hearts, one full and one delivered to the owner of the second smile. Artificial dreams in which two hearts joined forever, or at least for a moment.

The bell rings and both are on the street, at the same time, synchronized by the trust and over the years. Samuel and Lucia are known for eleven years and have always relied on each other. There is laughter on the way home, as usual, but this time is different, leading to Lucia by Samuel trackless dead, rather than go the usual way, but Lucy does not realize. The clouds ever take away more space from the Sun and the sky overcast gradually. Somewhere along the line in his hands rub and Lucia, as a good friend Samuel close to yours with love. Does not let go. At last the dreaded moment arrives, you can not extend it more, have reached the most beautiful place in the village, the lake. Lucy does not care, many times they had gone there after school.

- By the way, Sam, before cuelvas to evade the issue when you tell me who you think is your secret love? Lucia asks with a smile.

"I told you when she realizes.

- Is it class? If, right? I know who it is! It's Irene! Do not stop looking at her in class and she told me she is coladita for your bones -añade de forma picarona.

-No es a ella a quien miro en clase. No es Irene.

-Pues ya me dirás, porque la única chica que está cerca de Rebeca soy yo y... -sus ojos se abrieron desmesuradamente.

-Creo que es hora de decirlo, ya se ha dado cuenta -interrumpe Samuel-. Se llama Lucía y es la persona más maravillosa del mundo. Todos dicen que es muy rara, pero para mí es simplemente única. Tiene el pelo del mismo color que sus ojos, marrón chocolate. Cocina las mejores magdalenas del universo y cuando se pone a hacerlas está adorable con su delantal de vaquitas. Tiene la cara freckles and that's what I like about it, because it makes him look like a doll, though she says they are hateful and strives to hide with makeup. It is not the smartest or the fastest, nor the stands out most in something, but for me it is perfect, always cares for others without waiting for others to worry about it, is the only one of all her friends that when you are around a guy does not get nervous or saying stupid things . Is in love with my best friend but knows he never fixed it, but I do not care, I want you to know that I love with all my soul, which to me is the prettiest girl in the world and although I know I will to reject I do not feel like a complete idiot for saying this, well, now I think I am a complete idiot.

An awkward silence takes hold of both, had at last been found, but now comes the worst. Samuel realizes that while he has been moving gradually to Lucia and it has not released his hand. It starts to rain, Lucy opens the umbrella and cover with him to Samuel. What's going to say now? If, in love with David, but now that Samuel has said all that he realizes that it is also in love with him. Download the umbrella and the October cold water will hit in the face.

"You're a complete jerk, but it is true that only you would have thought you telling that to a girl who is in love with your best friend.'re The most wonderful guy in the world.

be merged into a sweet and passionate kiss, in the cold autumn rain.

At the bottom of her heart she was seven years waiting for this moment.

Ithilwen \u0026lt;3

Friday, October 22, 2010

Difference Between Elevated And High Esr

20 minutes has distributed its awards and recognition to the cultural work has fallen, from all posts at stake, to Stories History. I'm not happy just because you have fallen the award to my fellow countryman and friend Javier Sanz. I'm glad because it is an award deserved.

Congratulations to Harvey, and continue.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

On The Border Buckets

Friends are multifaceted: clínex make when you have to shed your tears, a book of jokes if you need to laugh, a mirror if you need someone to tell you how you are without fear of hurt, stuffed when you want something safe embrace question ace, and Pillow all those times you have to lean on something or you'll fall.
A friend is that and much more. A friend can not be defined, is like a spot of paint falls to chance upon your soul and the ink of friendship forever. Friends can not be erased from your mind as short bracelets gave you: any account will fall into your pocket, the day he serves, You are going to mourn and call to reconcile.

I do not know what the meaning of the word "friend" in the dictionary. And I will not bother to look. I know, I know within me. I know in the hours and hours talking at the risk of not completing homework, face to face or by phone, endangering the balance and miserable but I care, or the computer, playing with the confidence of my strict parents. For by a friend a risk everything. A friend is not the euphoric feeling that you remove the body when you kiss someone in the mouth. But the calm, the sweetness of the embrace (virtual or not) that you get your friends in those moments when the owner of the seductive lips has decided to cut you and only a handful of people scattered through your inner world can understand how bad you feel.
friends are with you. Always. Although you may know since you opened your eyes to the world and learn the meaning of the word "love", when they began the duties and child class that made you blush if you were together or when you entered the confusing maze of youth and you gave the first talk of sex. Friends do not understand time, they understand the dedication. Friends let you down, take away the urge to open the doors of your heart to others that you are not sure if you re- harm. But some of them, true, always know you back the lost confidence ... sometimes real friends are those that seem less important.
have to spend to live the life twelve hours of the day. The other half, dedícasela your friend.
This is the beginning of a friendship. For me. I do not know what it is for you, do not know if you think that someday we will fully know (but we have a best friend, I do not care, I do not want to replace anyone, nor am I able to do so), or that I am to fill holes bored of your evenings in the MSN. Honestly, I do not care. I care know that for me you you are becoming important, whenever you're in more moments I find when I check my memory. This, again, is only a small beginning. But I've heard that small beginning there are more surprises in store.

Happy Birthday. With best wishes to you, you are met today and the thousand and one days in store for you life. With best wishes for our friendship begins to grow, I hope to irrigate as much as the hydrangea purple, gold and blue flowers in my window Cinderella.

Enjoy today and enjoy forever. Have many gifts, but most of hugs, kisses and heartfelt wishes. The malware does not make you mourn today, no, I'll just shield and let tiny lights of happiness, hidden in candles and birthday cake, light up your life and make it better.

Happy birthday, friend. I give permission to call you. ___________________________________________________________

What do you think? Well this is what I wrote my dear Sol for my birthday.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tattoos For Pubic Area


Today is one of those days that I have only wanted to mourn and be alone. Today is one of those rare days when I'm smiling all day and cheer the lives of others. Today is one of those days where I need a shoulder to hold on to avoid falling into the abyss and I need a hug to know I'm not alone, because that is what they get others with their lies, I feel alone in this immense ocean. Long time no real smile, but others do not, and you, dear butterfly, you're going to keep my secret. I need to believe that there are things that make life worth living, because if I do not fear to die of loneliness. I need to believe that this will happen and along with a new day will come a new joy, I need to believe, but I can not.

I like to live in a world in which problems were 1% of the things to worry about, but I try to believe I'm where I have to, I have some absurd shit mission in this world and I have comply to feel good. Tell me, do you know what your mission in life? "Fly forever? I wish it was that my mission because I want to fly and get away from those girls who would give everything to meet a famous fool believed to cool and fails to chachi, those guys who, even when the ball bulged against them, playing football to fall from exhaustion.

try to figure out why you have wings and I do not. I try to figure out why the sky is blue and the trees are green regardless of the explanation for those who can not dream and think they have answers for everything. I try to build a time machine, but like water it always escapes my hands. I try to fight against the tide and not fall apart when everything falls on me so far but I've always gotten hold ... I must have gone crazy, really I am speaking to a butterfly? Walk, fly and try to live more than two days. If successful, again for me, I'll be waiting.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

How Do You Get To The Journal On Howrse

Melody in Alabama, Ricardo Espin

Ricardo Finished the novel. The truth is that it reads very quickly, both in the frame format by the development. I also like the finish has given Nalvay.

Knowing the genesis of this story is that Richard has chosen the short story format and on average get more out of that always draws the stories. Anyway, considering the characters, would have worked also with a larger format (and we would have more hours of entertainment, for je, je). Has been beating Ricardo: those who prefer the short story leaves them satisfied, and we will engage the billet as if we fly fishing ... Finally, Ricardo is a machine (I always say), has a great production and it shows. It shows the job in time management. And also, or that at least caught my attention, as credible is the main character.

also quite cinematic, right. That's good because it conforms to the method of reading (or rather in reading) current and, who knows, I see very susceptible to adapt a script. Despite what some purists, the fact is that more and more like me sense to use that method, the film. I have already pointed out.

Finally, I highlight the illustrations, whose style helps set the atmosphere (though not be necessary because Ricardo has done quite well). Further evidence that the current novel is closely linked to visual aids, not just imaginative. Well, Ricardo, then congratulations on the book and thanks for letting the flag flying in Teruel. And congratulations also to Nalvay through it.

Title: Melody in Alabama. Editorial Nalvay, 2010. Finalist in the "Dulce Chacón 2008 entitled Music Box.
Synopsis: Victor King, a writer in crisis, he moved to Alabama in the United States, the home of his mother. They rented an isolated house, hoping to find inspiration lost ... But soon strange things start to happen that will immerse Victor in a long history of crime, politics and violence, you will discover that nothing is as it seems.
Author: Ricardo Espin, Albacete birth, cosmopolitan by nature and making Teruel, author of over twenty novels which, until now, has published seven. Multidisciplinary, methodical and awarded in various literary competitions, Espin is undoubtedly the author with the greatest of Teruel.