Saturday, October 23, 2010

Volunteer Hours Letter Sample Court

A boy, a girl, two friends, a shy autumn sun, clouds and a closed umbrella in a corner class. Two accomplices smiles and two hearts, one full and one delivered to the owner of the second smile. Artificial dreams in which two hearts joined forever, or at least for a moment.

The bell rings and both are on the street, at the same time, synchronized by the trust and over the years. Samuel and Lucia are known for eleven years and have always relied on each other. There is laughter on the way home, as usual, but this time is different, leading to Lucia by Samuel trackless dead, rather than go the usual way, but Lucy does not realize. The clouds ever take away more space from the Sun and the sky overcast gradually. Somewhere along the line in his hands rub and Lucia, as a good friend Samuel close to yours with love. Does not let go. At last the dreaded moment arrives, you can not extend it more, have reached the most beautiful place in the village, the lake. Lucy does not care, many times they had gone there after school.

- By the way, Sam, before cuelvas to evade the issue when you tell me who you think is your secret love? Lucia asks with a smile.

"I told you when she realizes.

- Is it class? If, right? I know who it is! It's Irene! Do not stop looking at her in class and she told me she is coladita for your bones -añade de forma picarona.

-No es a ella a quien miro en clase. No es Irene.

-Pues ya me dirás, porque la única chica que está cerca de Rebeca soy yo y... -sus ojos se abrieron desmesuradamente.

-Creo que es hora de decirlo, ya se ha dado cuenta -interrumpe Samuel-. Se llama Lucía y es la persona más maravillosa del mundo. Todos dicen que es muy rara, pero para mí es simplemente única. Tiene el pelo del mismo color que sus ojos, marrón chocolate. Cocina las mejores magdalenas del universo y cuando se pone a hacerlas está adorable con su delantal de vaquitas. Tiene la cara freckles and that's what I like about it, because it makes him look like a doll, though she says they are hateful and strives to hide with makeup. It is not the smartest or the fastest, nor the stands out most in something, but for me it is perfect, always cares for others without waiting for others to worry about it, is the only one of all her friends that when you are around a guy does not get nervous or saying stupid things . Is in love with my best friend but knows he never fixed it, but I do not care, I want you to know that I love with all my soul, which to me is the prettiest girl in the world and although I know I will to reject I do not feel like a complete idiot for saying this, well, now I think I am a complete idiot.

An awkward silence takes hold of both, had at last been found, but now comes the worst. Samuel realizes that while he has been moving gradually to Lucia and it has not released his hand. It starts to rain, Lucy opens the umbrella and cover with him to Samuel. What's going to say now? If, in love with David, but now that Samuel has said all that he realizes that it is also in love with him. Download the umbrella and the October cold water will hit in the face.

"You're a complete jerk, but it is true that only you would have thought you telling that to a girl who is in love with your best friend.'re The most wonderful guy in the world.

be merged into a sweet and passionate kiss, in the cold autumn rain.

At the bottom of her heart she was seven years waiting for this moment.

Ithilwen \u0026lt;3


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