Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pokemon Black Ipod Rom


The "IX Argentine Grand Prix History" which will be place from 13 to 22 October will have an approximate distance of 3,800 kilometers, according to the following schedule: Day

1-13 October. 21 pm. Symbolic start from the Headquarters of the Argentine Automobile Club

Day 2-14 October. Stage 1: From 0.00 pm. La Plata - Mar del Plata.

Day 3 - 15 October. 2nd Stage: Mar del Plata - Santa Rosa (La Pampa)

Day 4-16 October. 3 rd Stage: Santa Rosa (La Pampa) - Neuquen (Neuquen).

Day 5-17 October. 4 th Stage: Neuquen (Neuquen) - San Martin de los Andes (Neuquen).

Day 6-18 October. Rest in San Martin de los Andes

Day 7-19 October. Stage 5: San Martin de los Andes (Neuquen) - Neuquen (Neuquen)

Day 8-20 October. 6th Stage A: Neuquen (Neuquen) - San Luis (San Luis)

Day 9 - 21 October. 6 th Stage B: San Luis (San Luis) - San Luis (San Luis) morning. Segment of about 200 kms. Subsequently, and as in the 2010 edition, lunch and official awards.

Day 10 - 22 October. As in the previous edition, for those who return to the City of Buenos Aires will provide a controlled return to the same organizational vehicles, rescue and health who served during the tour.

two fundamental changes are highlighted in relation to the latest editions:
1 - Given the repeated requests of the participants, the Committee has decided to replay the night stage, characteristic of the former great prizes in its first stage following roads from the Atlantic coast of Buenos Aires, mitigating the dangers inherent in the use of high traffic domestic routes.
2 - Al be very tight schedule due to holidays and also taking orders for some participants to respect the religious celebrations and finally, considering that on Sunday October 23 will be held national presidential elections, has removed a day of rest. The same shall be compensated by the day of arrival in Mar del Plata in the morning and delaying a number of hours studied the start of the shorter period (4 th Neuquen - San Martín de los Andes).

Moreover, the Steering Committee of the Argentine Automobile Club has appointed the members of the Organizing Committee: Honorary Chairman: Mr. Rafael V. Sierra, Committee Chairman: Mr. Jorge Augé Bacqué, Secretary: Mr. Jorge E. Revello, Members: Mr. Augusto Gitard, Mr. Oscar Minorini Manochi Rodolfo Lima, Secretary: Mr. Maximiliano Montarco.

Once again, the International Automobile Federation confirmed that the Argentine Automobile Club's ninth annual Historic Argentine Grand Prix has been incorporated into the FIA \u200b\u200bcalendar 2011 as part of the FIA \u200b\u200bTrophy for Historic Regularity Rally Championship (FIA Trophy Rally Historic Regularity). REGISTRATION

been determined quota of 325 cars and like last year, participants must make mandatory pre-register via the Internet, which will be essential to have the vehicle approved (card GPA) and complete the form it in its entirety. If not taken as valid the same.

+ Info>


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