Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Stockings In Old Films

Our neighbors have:

* Today May 3, 2011, neighbors living in the area of \u200b\u200bSlaughter Street, with the corner of Calle San Luis, have argued strongly and have ensured that attend. Some members of IVIA also been present at this event, we welcome the event and congratulate all the good people who have participated in this noble purpose.

* It has achieved something that logically had to be obtained with a simple letter, as already made by some of the presidents of the local communities, but who got the desired response of the City Council and as always the work continued without stopping and style.

What happened on this occasion?

Quite the opposite of what they were doing up to now the municipal corporation with its famous streets of coexistence, since in this case were designed to convert the existing sidewalk in the middle of formerly Incompressible ! but true, so wanted to do and with the further added that any truck with a height to park in that area would have the possibility that someone could access from the same to the first floor terrace blocks without difficulty by the closeness in this case.

But people who live on this street have reacted on this occasion, and some they have sitting on the floor in front of the machines until they have had to stop them.
is clear that this has been a work like so many poorly focused, but this time the residents have managed to stop them and this has been corrected, and that those responsible have been clearly shown that they were wrong, but may have done the same pressure than the pressure that have been made, for fear of scandal, as local elections are very close and surely this has helped to rectify, thing they have done to 13 pm, today, have started again undo the entire stretch of sidewalk that had done wrong in this case and that was what he was claiming, as you can see by the photo below:

We want to especially congratulate a brave and determined woman, a neighbor, Mary Joseph, who has been one of the most decisive and firm in the complaint that occurred today on this attack and has been duly corrected.

Neighbors Congratulations.

* In the early morning hours Today's May 4, this work has been stopped by its officers, pending a restatement of it, which fortunately occurred immediately at noon today.
* The Edge of the afternoon we could see they have made a successful 11 \u200b\u200bholes for planting trees in the area near the sidewalk that will also expand.
"This issue of the trees should be planted if any further on the stretch of road just stoning in the Plaza de la Hispanidad, thing in this case have done and are of great need.
* We in general and for the good of our community, that this time it right, and they finish everything properly.


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