Sunday, January 16, 2011

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Cascallana announces several meetings with neighbors to gather ideas.

just saw this news in:,
(pun intended) and we have jumped the tears of laughter

Cascallana announces several meetings with neighbors to gather ideas
January 16, 2011 3A + +% 28Noticias noticiasdealcorcon + of + Alcorce% C3% B3n% 29

Our Mayor and missed seeing the forthcoming municipal elections May 22 for all their mistakes made in our town during the last 4 years as this is what the polls say at the top of votes and taxpayers will have paid (by Decree Law course) comes to tell Now that the new milonga will make a series of neighborhood meetings in order to gather ideas manifest its election, (or because it is not doing very fine and left of them) and with the slogan "Tell me what you "................... Alcorcón (for I do the opposite, of course) We
a new neighborhood group Alcorcón, we already have almost completed our program and we have done for months and we will continue working until the end of February, meeting with Neighbors, Businesses and other Associations Alcorcón, as we were doing and in this case people do we have already stated that they want and among many other things, by an absolute majority undoubtedly want to go Cascallana.
What I had to have done so much, Mr. Mayor, as its council members during his term of office had not been so arrogant (although in this it if that is the champion) and should also be able to listen but in truth and in time all those who had denounced many things, but we make the slightest case.
Opposition municipal PP, walking behind him, as they also had to have worried much longer and not as we have seen that they have. Have just started moving a bit more since late last summer, but nothing else and now seems to have awakened from their slumber a little, because elections are coming and thanks to his new candidate.

I suggest Mr. Cascallana, to stop by our blog NEIGHBORS FOR ALCORCÓN and see something on the subject of everything we are saying:

also does not seem wrong to copy the ideas of the new political group Alcorcón INDEPENDENT NEIGHBORHOOD INITIATIVE OF ALCORCÓN (IVI A ) in the sense of following the thread of these things are also doing weekly, and that we have worked and published, such as Citizen Participation in Democracy, Project Proposals and four chapters of Invitation to Debate, we have also figured in our blog since May 2010
But please do not forget to cite the source of this new occurrence that has had and new they may have. Others have long been working on these things, as is the case IVIA.

This may come also to mind the PP, since in the new paper where we advertise widely; "after ... THE STREET " have copied us two articles, one Blog (page 7 Firewood to mono) in its latest issue 02 of January 12, 2011, and although we are cited, they do so subliminal or note and make it up in a somewhat derogatory to consider it "a tiny home game" instead of a new or small local party. It seems they want to imply in his article, that the 8 points of the ideas that have been collected from small and medium businesses (which have a replica of the 32 proposals that we have collected us for months and has been published in IVIA and have been mixed on their own, with the aim of not noticing a lot) Well, nothing and we publish as we see several people have commented, as if he had been the work of the Popular Party, which also draw in the foreground and above our five photographs contained in the article itself, that ultimately we can say that we see as an abomination, and on which we have already requested explanations for this new medium.
Note added: On 17/01/2011 we have today spoken with the author of the article cited above and has confirmed that the 8 points that transcribe in the same belong to IVIA, and We have apologized to that effect, if it has not been adequately clear and has not been well understood, which we have appreciated.

hope that all our conclusions and proposals that have not yet published, but what we will do in the future, we do not copy them too, but good in the case if they did, no matter much we if they are to the benefit of all our neighbors in Alcorcón, p ero eye make no mistake, this would be only so long that they actually carry them out, which we have seen in the time have been running have not had nor have any interest in doing, especially but block them in their interests projects that are developing and unfortunately all we know and that are mostly unrelated to ours.



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