Saturday, January 8, 2011

How To Lace The Converse Double Upper

Deceptions who are suffering some people when looking for a job: Issues

I have been asked to investigate and write something about this distressing and troubling issue:
The major problems and difficulties they are having in finding a job someone does not, or who has lost and when it begins to look up, he encounters a whole string of false promises and big tricks.
This is an issue that concerns us and stirring up the vast majority of citizens who have relatives or friends in this terrible maze.
Social networks have always been a good way to find employment and who is targeted at them is to build relationships, to help or be helped. But some people do not get any results, but are also increasingly finding a job this way.
This same case and in related Internet job search, you have to know how to use, with the ultimate goal of being able to go directly to companies who need these personal profile looking for, but with great caution.
The first step to this end is to develop a list of all those companies in which you want to work, and many of them have a subsite that says "Work with us."
Avoid entering ads aimed at directing the Internet user to other web sites, or in the worst case, get your personal data, which then can commit fraud.

labor scams are occurring:
* is no doubt that there are legitimate offers and opportunities to find work Internet.
But there are a large number of bogus offers and unscrupulous individuals posing as recruiters, offering attractive salaries and good jobs and in most cases are false and are doing so with impunity.

What are scams?
are led by unscrupulous who prey on people who are desperate to unemployment.
These authentic deceit disguise them as excellent career opportunities, but we must discard in order to identify automatically.
An effective way to avoid these scams is to check the existence of the vendor company, the accuracy of trade data, its operations, which sector is engaged, who are its customers and suppliers.
advance payments are requested to find a job, asking for personal data of accounts, cards, etc., And using many tricks worthy of study, including false offers of work telephone interviews.
* We are also producing chain messages via mobile , led this for some time have provided this information somewhere that they have used for this purpose, the message you receive is like this:
Looking for work? Send INFO to 253 ...
If you commit the imprudence of answering, you announced that you will be subjected to an interview SMS (to 1.41 € uros the question) and they'll lead to premium rate numbers. So this must be avoided as well.
This is not the only method used to get a few rooms to job seekers. Since the government regulate the so-called issues of "premium rate", the job can not refer to numbers 803, 806, 807 or 905, as has been happening. However, there are ways to bypass the rule.

"This announcement is an example of what we are discussing and one of the hooks of these ignoble rogueries a few heartless.

Consumer associations have detected several cases of vacancies which refer to a 902 number apparently legal. However, when the crawler job by calling the number in question to inquire, he attends a recorded message on an answering machine that promises to secure income (you will gain total and complete security to 1,600 euros month, "says one message." won 1,000 to 1,500 euros with ease and spending a few hours, "says one of them) and ultimately referred to a number 806 or similar. The jobs that are offered This will not require skills (handicrafts, arts, stuffing advertising ...) and plaintiffs (the potential victims, in this case), poorly trained.

What precautions should be taken?
-Avoid agencies that offer curriculums that will be forwarded to multiple companies and agencies and seeking to meet this requirement a certain price.
"Do not pay any amount of money that are very suggestive offers or promises of selection process that you suggest they are doing.
"No data will never provide credit card or bank account.
The real employers do not often need such data, which are just an option to proceed to the payment of fees by deposit account.
-Be very careful who you give all the data provided in the curriculum and that false abuse agencies can do the same.
"No phone call ads where operators appear numbers 901, 902 and 905 and especially those who do not provide information at the beginning about their costs.
"The number 902 is always the most expensive option , whether or not a flat fee, live or not in the same province. Therefore always be avoided this issue.
These calls are those that tend to be longer and also tend to have the typical auto attendant half deaf.
The use of 902 numbers by operators has been denounced by the Association of Internet , with the Ministry of Industry, it is considered that the failure to provide a telephone without cost to the customer is abuse justified.
These phones promptly, malicious call attention to an increase in the final bill.
Some companies provide 902 lines "paid" ie, the owner of the number 902 also takes an incoming call.
So you know, calls to eye with the numbers 901, 902 and 905 that are not free! And the sales also must add 16% VAT.

* The numbers used by 800 and 900 prefixes theoretically are completely free.
- But calls to numbers 80X and 90X are payable even if we have flat rate calls.
"If we do not have flat rate, should call 901 XXX XXX (priced between local call and domestic call). Is a number with the cost shared between the caller and the called party.
"Do not be trapped never to despair of the moment and offers captivating.
-also beware of false messages that sometimes certain place in forums and Web.

What to do with this scam?
"If you have evidence of them, report them immediately to the police. Close
email accounts that they already know the fraudsters, change passwords that have been used and open new bank accounts if they have been provided to them.
-Keep all documents that have collected on the matter and if possible to record telephone conversations discrepancies that can be maintained with them.

* The traditional method and most direct way would be to go and hand deliver resumes to different companies, and which should contain all personal information, training and experience. The same should be concise and relevant, related to the work being requested and should accompany a personal letter that explains the reasons why you choose that company. We must direct the attention of the staff responsible and that you've previously obtained by telephone or other means. It should also be sure of receiving it. Ideally in such cases would always get a personal interview.
From here ask all those who are willing or able to do something to get around this curse that grips us, and especially to that person standing, to intervene if they can, within their possibilities, in order that we all get to fix this disaster.
If we build a more serious and more fair, we are all obliged to keep silent no longer work putting our two cents in this regard.
Unions What they are doing, or bringing on this issue?
sincerely believe that there is much to do and that is not being done by negligence or carelessness.
* It seems impossible, which means currently available at the computer, our administration does not have a good structure in this respect in order to minimally regulate this mess that we invade.

Pedro Garcia

* Personally I and much dislike all these crimes that I have seen being committed to some people who are currently suffering the scourge of "STOP" NO RIGHT! And over a series of mob abuse and want to take advantage of them, the terrible situation who are suffering.
culled from various news media and related to these issues we can help:
These Web pages can see the following:

What kind of scams we face in our job search?

I also recommend that you read carefully Article of the President of the Observatory Internet, Francisco Canals who posed for 30 days for seeking employment with the network.

arrested two scammers offering fake jobs to unemployed

HERBALIFE global scam, its main unemployed victims
The ones that are in danger to fall into such traps are college students, recent graduates and new professionals, the lack of experience can not get a good paying job.
CARE .... Is a lie ..... its only purpose was to take money.

entrepreneurs scam Dubai, in the dungeons

VIDEO illustrative of the various frauds:



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