Monday, February 14, 2011

How Long For Epididymitis To Go Away

REPOSITORY greater policy coherence, RIGHT AND LEFT. Mood

have to be more thoughtful and not succumb to provocation by both sides.

1 º) * As we have failed the news we've been calling the PP in Alcorcón of corrupt , because it considered that the mayor of Boadilla del Monte, has been implicated in the plot Gurtel and be on women of Alcorcón PP candidate, working as Director of Cabinet of the Municipality.

* In CHRONICLE MADRID.COM appears dated 02.11.2011 the following news:

Alcorcón Mayor Enrique Cascallana charge against the wife of David Perez Chronicle, which is to say the following :

"It ensures that the PP candidate for mayor in Alcorcón should demand the resignation of his wife after charging the mayor of Boadilla Gürtel in the plot because it is his chief of staff .."
"Likewise, the municipal government spokesman Alcorcón, Natalie Andrew, has asked the popular candidate, David Pérez," by which requires the resignation of Trinidad Rollán and not his wife, "that has served as chief of staff of the City of Boadilla del Monte, whose last two mayors have resigned due to his complaint in the plot Gürtel."

2 º) * We can not approve the contrary: A picture that is emerging in different walls of Facebook with the following caption:

Foto anuncio que también han querido colgar en nuestro Muro, pero que NO lo hemos aceptado por elemental coherencia.
No queremos, ni vamos a entrar en este innoble juego y que denunciamos desde aquí, para que lo corrijan por ambas partes.
Asimismo nos parece que no podemos manifestar o afirmar cosas de nadie, que previamente no se encuentre ya juzgado y sentenciado por la justicia. Nosotros no podemos erigirnos en jueces.
En este último caso posiblemente se quieren referir a Rosa Cano, miembro de la ejecutiva local del PSOE de Alcorcón, charged for an alleged traffic offense continued influence in the city of Alcorcón.

- understand that this may constitute a crime of slander against these people , when one of them has not yet been tried and the other is not even alleged in a lawsuit.

"All these things if we follow the flow, you can convert our knowledge into a very dangerous game and slippery, that we must avoid by all means.

"In both cases, falling easily into the defamation and one can not prejudge anyone without having some very solid foundations and contrasted for it.



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