Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What Is The Molecular Shape Of Clf2-

is happening at the Teatro Municipal de Alcorcón Buero Vallejo. Who do you think


its official blog that we do here too.

is happening at the Teatro Municipal de Alcorcón Buero Vallejo.

And it's not a play, is pure and harsh reality, more than 7 months can not because they have announced, do the following in its dependencies:

* button or touch the Light in some bathrooms (This what we add, as a precaution, as we will explain below.

In our town the little things almost never taken into account, let alone by our local representatives, even though we told them actively and passively, and this case has already been communicated personally Alderman for Culture and the City Council since June 2010. Alderman not know if this means of culture, but we have serious concerns is that other issues such as Healing understand something, because he sees that is badly damaged and the maintenance and precautions around electrical gadgets , we see even less understood yet, or just plain not care the least.

is the policy that our local politicians in Alcorcón become blind eye and underestimate our complaints, because it does not sell, or not interested, until the thing explodes. Yes then when problems arise, they come face troubled sexton and blame others, who almost certainly has more cards in this case, as almost all those who give or have given it thus time and again expressed their view, is undoubtedly the true culprit of all these mistakes or blunders, as always, CAM, and failing any other passing by and not say anything to them official printed, manuscript and sealing time to time!

Now we approach the election if that Bengal tiger jump, going back to report this to the different media and is a reality that there is still unresolved, and if it will jump to say they are in it or what we are saying

"What we Alcorcón"

They also say they are trying and will try everything, but what are undoubtedly doing is telling a new milongas, all those we already know and once again we will or can endure.

But this case the center of Alcorcón Buero Vallejo, cries to heaven.
This matter has already been reported in June 2010 remedies and if nobody is on the way the year without having done something so simple such as putting six light switches missing from 6 / 4 bath such as this:

Where cables are fully air and if a careless touch with wet hands, especially since note that a child can do it too and we know that could happen, lamps are also missing in services, the more reason to fix this, but now.

But there is something even worse, in the first case above can give you electric shocks if you put a special attention, but the second you can affect the stomach and the body especially if you are allergic to "IRON OXIDE" that is embedded in the pipes installed that are not suitable and produce this serious problem, which has already been reviewed by Health on several occasions, and without that have solved so far, when it has passed more than enough time to do so.

Just occurred to them to put some posters in each of the bathrooms, the first was "no drinking water" and as I looked a little hard, replaced by a more gentle, which is the next and you will see in this other picture:

"DO NOT DRINK TAP WATER" So without further ado, to hold it plays, I have missed to add one thing "Who drinks is at your own risk" as well as we know there are people who are allergic to iron oxide (can have serious health problems and this is not trivial)

But our "responsible" have fallen into another detail, that the poster as they have not printed on the brick, but a simple plastic sheet, then disappears continuously bathrooms and clear what will happen in this case if someone drinks? Who is guilty? I can imagine it! Anyone but them!

Well here we say:

ENOUGH ALREADY so irresponsibly.

want solutions to these problems:


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