Monday, February 28, 2011

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union Reflections

My thoughts on the trade union movement.
I was invited by a good friend of Alcorcón, to participate with our reflections on the current trade unions and we will perform together in different blogs, each to its best knowledge and belief.
In my case I will try to show my views on this matter, and I fully understand that everyone has their opinions. Unfortunately this is currently rabiante because of the severe economic crisis that we are suffering and turn us all tangled and complicated.
is no doubt that the current English trade union model is being strongly attacked by different sides, as a result of the positions they defend and are a great part those who cross out the representatives of workers medradores the system.
I personally believe that not everything is truth or lie about what is written on the subject, because as in the vineyard of the Lord will understand that all trade unionists honest and committed to the cause and others who are only to take advantage of the prevailing circumstances, as in all sectors.

On this matter I am raising many questions, to which I would like to have an effective response:

What is wrong with our trade union movement?

Is a good current collective bargaining system, or is it rigid and out of time in terms of productivity and competitiveness, as others claim?
* Arguing mainly wages rise while demand falls, as reported employers, by collective bargaining agreements and that state that can lead to bankruptcy for many companies.

What should be, and are now theoretically Unions?
* Above all have to be free, independent and democratic.
An organization composed of workers the same activity, associated for a responsible and better able to defend their rights so they can do it within the desired logic:
-flagged the defense of workers, social justice and meeting the company rationalize and defend all the problems they encounter workers in a sensible and lucid in order to defend the distribution, rationalization and compensation for their work, to the abuses often committed by the respective companies or employers and also have the ability to reach to promote the quality of different jobs.
"They must be fully participatory and always be willing to serve their members.
* Among its functions are inter alia:
"The power to act as intermediaries between the employer and union members to defend their rights as partners (and try to improve the quality and conditions of their work, and the salary).
-protect the interests of workers (social, economic and professional) and bargain agreements with the companies.
-negotiate on behalf of their members wages, working hours, working conditions, etc.
-represent and advise its members before all problems which have or may have in their work.
* Must be open to dialogue and seek the best solution to the just demands of workers.
"And also responsible and realistic economic situation of the moment, but first of all have to be always supportive.

What should not be or unions do?
* Gregarious, drive belt or any political party or outdated idealism and conflicting, so you can get without these weights a better and just economic system.
My support in everything that is to find a noble purpose.
My disagreement at all that means conformity, appeasement, thrive, manipulate and vegetate on the job to develop the defense of workers.
* Sometimes the big problem is when a particular sector workers think or believe that the ideal is one thing and the unions think that is another. One might say that's why there are meetings, voting, referendum, etc.., But in the end there is always someone who can manipulate or exaggerate things for different interests.
This clear that there is nothing better than to get good deals for all parties and that they are weighted, avoiding all kinds of nonsense and extremism.

reviews with some workers about the union.
* Generally not very good, and that some are freeloaders and scroungers of their position as stewards and especially if they see that are released in their jobs disappear and do not connect them.
* Do not be absurd manifestations promote political or marked as so often has happened.
* Sometimes things are claimed to have nothing to do with the real welfare of workers.
* people should have a well prepared to defend its members.
-Promote the development of workers.
be faithful advocates to ensure the public pension system, avoiding waste in this sense and exercise proper controls so that no depletion of our resources and thus ensure on time payment of such benefits as the future trend is a clear decrease in the number of contributors and an increase for pensioners.
* The membership fees should be theoretically the only income of the trade unions and spend according to them, as do my neighbors.
-is known for being well reported that the subsidies granted to unions in 2009 was 15,798,500 .- € uros (more than 2600 million pesetas)

Is it absolutely necessary this voluminous help?
Well it seems that in the case of the CNT not is, and have expressly waived such funding, and to maintain their economic independence.
"It is true that there are other organizations such as The FAES, CEOE The Church, The Royal House and political parties, which are also subsidized by the state.
* German unions are proud to finance itself with contributions from its members, since that does not depend on any political party.
By contrast, in this sense, the English unions show generally complacent and in light of the above parameters, I envy these results job type:
* The unemployment rate in Germany is below 7% and about 20% English.

In light of these sad details, I'm going to ask and I do in general:

What are we failing?

* The "liberated union" may be necessary, as they have to move, preparing agreements, assist workers and many other things, the problem is his control and effectiveness, and do not exceed certain amounts to purpose other than logical.
However, the figures currently being considered are of 203,000 "union released" in Spain, this figure seems to say that may be excessive, and also paid the salary of the company they work for and not the union. In these times of crisis, these functions would be reduced very significantly.
"Fortunately I have found that once I had written this article, a review in the People newspaper in Madrid, on page 3 (from 18 to 25 February 2011) where it appears the following news:
" Community and unions agree to reduce by 60% and cut labor hours 2,000 released. "
CONGRATULATIONS and is for the good of all, the only thing we lack is possibly a general policy in this regard to all the English state.

* My final conclusion:
* Despite all the ramblings that I have made, says that trade unions are absolutely necessary, albeit sometimes self-censorship should be analyzed and search always better for workers, businesses and the economy in general.
I have my little experience in this regard, when I was young and began this democratic struggle to eradicate the handling and manipulation of the union at that time called vertical, I tried something on the subject, I've had my experiences in those hard times, and also militates in one of the unions that emerged in the democratic stage. I know the difficulties that this entails, and sometimes were gratifying, especially when you have the satisfaction of accomplishment, but in others I get to thinking that it was not worth.
* These are my feelings, my little experience on this important subject, I express in brief here as Neighbor For Alcorcón.
* One aspect which should be involved and participate more unions and until recently have not really been able to manage and intervene appropriately, is employee training.
* But I also mean that the unions have a whole history behind it, a sacrifice that sometimes do not see, nor want to see and do not respect or value.
Unions have suffered much and learned as much from here just purely and simply wish them the best, because it sure will redound to the benefit of us all.
My humble wish is that despite the differences, together we can not only help to clarify this situation, but also the major problems in general have in our society.


Pedro Garcia

Other thoughts on this topic and we've agreed to write in unison can see in the following Blogs: / 2011/02/reflexiones-sobre-sindicalismo.html

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