Thursday, March 3, 2011

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PARKING (Reflections from Liberty)

* hang up today an article was already published in our previous blog ALCORCÓN NEIGHBORS on the September 2009 event.

And now once again has taken so just published the current candidate for mayor of Alcorcón, David Perez, on the same subject, I have already given us Alcorcón Neighbors and so we made a statement to that effect.

In our article we said among other things:
A rule of thumb that are not taking into account our current municipal government is:

That as families can not live
spending beyond their income,
the municipalities nor should it
to borrow and no debt, and
that this not only
Deceive also
do but also and primarily
to all citizens who have entrusted them. ++++++++++++++++

the end of 2009 the current municipal government as reported through various media, have been built since 2003 a total of 18 car parks with approximately 9,000 parking spaces available, which according to recent estimates have been between 30% to 40% without being sold, for giving up their awarded them as a result of the economic crisis we are experiencing.

They're trying to rent to own, or wanting to spend whole plants that have failed to sell, rotary parking spaces, particularly in the Eyes Seventh Street, which has caused great uncertainty among homeowners with squares and there without even having worked with them to carry out this project which were not in the original plans.

Why so many seats are left over?
is clear that among other things, it has lacked a real programming, whether the needs of they would be covered, which is not properly made. All of this has joined the problem of economic crisis to a greater or lesser extent we are suffering and also that a large majority of citizens can not currently afford the satisfaction of getting a parking space.
is no doubt that the availability of these new positions should have helped to alleviate the huge shortage of parking that we chronically in our town, but has not been the case and an explanation among others is that they have also eliminated thousands of them on the roads, hence the announced release of road space by the end of 2009 of 45 miles has not happened, or at least not at this time has been the impact so remarkable that we have proclaimed our municipal leaders as we continue with the same problems to park on the surface, or perhaps even more than before, with reasons also the many works that continue to this day in different roads in our municipality.
is clear that this has failed or is failing something, or not properly informing us. The acid test is pretty easy, if we take the car and try to find the gaps that we are advertised on the street, and I say no and 45 kilometers, but simply only 45 meters, this alone is already an almost impossible mission to get to solve at least a quick and easy.
Still, despite that they are not selling well built plazas and our City Council remains committed to continue building the remaining 20 car parks (which amount to more than 10,000 beds) and affordable, say, less than half the market price, but this really is not so, but say it is well ahead of their propaganda.

The benefit we have announced in some streets of our population this constructive policy has been to the contrary, damage, since roads have been narrowed to unreasonable limits, sidewalks and built huge, with the attendant problems that this has generated in the mobility of vehicles, see these effects Avenue street Cantarranas and Calle León, among others, which had to be fixed several times because of this.
some sidewalks in the downtown area of \u200b\u200bAlcorcon are embedding bike lanes, which have not been sued by neighbors who live in it, but nevertheless they are doing, because they say so in his election program contained . But do not get properly addressed if they are fit or not and determine their real needs and effectively by specialists that exist within this area.

* For these reasons the neighbors on 3 October 2009, demonstrated outside City Hall
to protest all these situations we are living and enduring.

did not occur because they are building parking lots:

They did it because we are eliminating thousands of places in the roads and as is also reflected, are narrowing them irresponsibly .
wondering were expressed among other things, what was the point of all this:

"Sell the seats that are unsold, in order to continue to build even more?

They did also, because some seats have been destroyed for the sake of flagship parks construction of underground car parks and have made real disasters of urban type, dramatically eliminated virtually all existing trees, and settling devices of little use and of questionable taste.
In this chapter, municipal parking, our council is doing all the circumstances dictate otherwise.

However, in other English cities and to this case have decided not to build at least for now more parking spaces, but before a demand there really committed to them.


"You can not continue with the policy to work to eliminate parking spaces, and the hidden agenda is to buy them in the car parks built by the City.

"It should remain what they are doing, by widening sidewalks and eliminating surface parking, without rhyme or reason as seen in many cases.

"Knowing that currently are being left unsold seats, our current city leaders have to seriously consider this policy.

* It is clear that they have to stop building the same at least for now and in the absence of true open channels of participation to study and see the real needs, far from the drawings and other artifacts of compromise, you should create something more effective, for example a list of cases of the above places on payment of a specified amount as a reserve and if all expectations then proceed to execute them in a timely manner.

basics Otherwise it would not continue to build no more.

* Obviously the problem of the lack of parking building is resolved parking, but not while eliminating more space than is really necessary for the same purpose within driveways.



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