Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cheap Gocart Frames For Sale


* without examining the reasons and need for which are arranged in some cases, streets, driveways and sidewalks and how they are doing to make the call by our mayor, "Street of coexistence," which originated in a little over a year the problems we are seeing, as some of them up again and re-arrange, because the pavement is suffering, deteriorates rapidly and moves to step over them, as already noted in various articles of our blog:

In this new chapter goes on and on, namely into a new project they have designed their authors, is occurring and we are living a new case of total neglect in the preambles of the work being done between the corner of San Luis and individual plant over a square that Bricks and was perfectly smooth, but have decided unpaver and implementation of this action are ignoring such an important thing which is road safety in relation to the possibility to walk on the sidewalks and without any danger to people who have to go through them as is required, and that the same is lying on the ground, fences and metal pipes, pieces of wood, with sharp peaks, without sufficient protection of these materials for pedestrians, that originated on Monday, got worse on Tuesday, is still more badly on Wednesday and continues today Thursday ordered something else but with the same state of danger on the sidewalk where they continue from people.

On March 15 (Tuesday) we reported a resident of this area, local police called to denounce this, although police City came with a car, stopped and looked to the petition noting the telephone, but to this day Today has not done anything to correct that problem with the dump on the sidewalk in an uncontrolled way and still there as can be seen in the photos attached, are lying on the floor, though a bit more orderly but , a visible risk to pedestrians.

Aside from the new urban inventions that no one has requested, despite the City Council meetings on its famous:
"talk" and
"What we Alcorcón"
Our city leaders have chosen to what they consider appropriate at all times, but without the neighbors really, yes as we are in an election campaign like the "aggrandizement" and the large demonstrations in this sense, on what they're doing something and not know how , albeit still unfinished work, which began several years ago and have abandoned and not pay the suppliers or contractors, which should be around 90 million € uros, as has been reported recently Auditor Municipal People's Party .
Still, go and get into new ponds in an uncontrolled way as above we see and violating the rights of residents road safety.

also another neighbor on the street Polvoranca also reported to the municipal police on 12 at 11.30 h ., which had been thrown from a terrace, a wooden chair, a cart and a broom and fortunately no one fell on him, as the three devices are resting on top of a pine tree located San Luis street, with the consequent danger that this act has meant uncivil by the person to the crime and should be duly punished.
Well, in spite of this, absolutely nothing happens, those three things today are also there, in spite of the pine branches that has been tested by the Municipal Police itself, and as may prove in the photo above, no items have been properly removed, or identified the person responsible for that fact.

Finally, with these situations that are so easy to fix and have no cost to the City Hall, but a mere formality to require those responsible in the first instance to the company that makes these works to pick up and order, the dumped on the sidewalk, and the second to identify the ownership of such property thrown into the street from above, but with the TMN system apparently used the municipal government today, we noted with despair the lack of concern by our City Council in solving the problems that are raised by different members of the local community and yet they announced with great fanfare that we are addressing and solving effectively, but if it is true that God come and see, possibly with the new Citizen Card (We Alcorcón) and have recently put at our disposal and as we mentioned in the letter we are sending out, enjoy of this new way to make it easier, close and effective relationship between the neighbors and the City Council, but that is not a hook over the election campaign, that everything is for real and not mere words to the wind, of course no longer chop the bait, do not believe Mr. Mayor and his party, not fine words can clog up the whole mess for many years.



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