Thursday, March 31, 2011

Can You Freeze Alcoholic Popsicles?

Whose fault is it ... ... ... ... ... ... ..?

(Photos taken on 31 March 2011, six months after completed and inaugurated ; the earlier works)

Once completed the new works to pedestrian on Main Street made , which began in February 2010 and ended September 10, 2010, when which was opened by Mr. Cascallana current mayor, as you can see in the Cascallazo Alcorcón:

We are seeing again just 6 months after completion of the same , the problems of all known and are repeated as also exposed to the Blog of IVI A :

This time we do not know who you will blame the current city government, and as the song says
.................( Whose fault is it .. .................)
toss back to the PP is not going to be able to sneak in, as they did with the old section pedestrianized 10 years ago, which are also arranging, nor with the usual arguments on the CAM, which used to almost everything they do wrong and is so overused, and is already very light.
These recent works have clearly been undertaken under the mandate of IU PSOE + ., (Errors excepted) and which have managed to draw a line "with multometro included for driving is wrong" in Alcorcón and divide it into two for most citizens will not to go through this way when clearly needed.

These new works will see clearly now assume that they are not being as good as they had expected and hoped, like those in La Plaza de la Hispanidad, and many other streets in the center of our City and that have been made to make them what they have come to call "streets of coexistence" but with all the additional problems that it causes us and continues to generate the public that we are seeing and experiencing:
Problems with bricks and stones placed in a puzzle, they break moving and moving.

What's happening? We wonder and we fear that if this will fix the date, in certain areas are going to go make new woes that will emerge from other sites, it is evident that something is doing or has done wrong.

This truly is to demand accountability and resignations from those who apply, but please do not tell us more stories, or invent more milongas.

***** day, April 4, 2011, continue with new arrangements Street Mayor.


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