Sunday, March 6, 2011

Verizon Como Contactarlos

Socialist Mayors in Buero Vallejo de Alcorcón.

Today March 6 was held at 12:00 pm in the Teatro Buero Vallejo de Alcorcón:

The Presentation of the socialist candidates to the various Municipalities of the CAM,

to be present in municipal elections May 22, with the assistance of the Secretary General of the PSM and Development Minister José Blanco.

I attended as an observer of it and I could see that at 12:00 was almost filled both in the stalls as on the first floor, but in the second there were still empty seats.
Theatre The capacity is 900 people , one could say that attendance has been around about 850 people and left over spaces (this encryption until 12:05 pm) despite have come out a total of 7 coaches and several private cars that have been able to assume more than half of the attendees about 500 people, and therefore our City the number of attendees will have been around 350 people.
understand that this morning will be magnified by the organizers as expected so be it and tell yourself it was all packed.
In two separate presentations to which I also attended at this place, called by other parties:
-UPyD, on January 27, 2011 and the Popular Party on March 1, I learned that ; the same for other reasons had to be made in the humble hall of the same place, although the last one can not reach all the attendees come from lack of capacity.

Me he tenido que venir con un sabor agridulce y con el interrogante de haber asistido posiblemente a la famosa Ley del Embudo, para mí lo ancho y para ti lo estrecho, pero supongo que esta será la historia que se repite y repetirá por múltiples circunstancias en una y otra parcela según quienes manden y así les convengan.


Capacity in the Teatro Buero Vallejo, according to the City, as you can see on their website:

"was inaugurated on September 20, 1994. It has 12,000 square meters, 4 exhibition halls and two libraries, one for adults and children. It has six dressing rooms and a rapid change. His 903 seats are upholstered in velvet pale pink and the scene closes with a color of the curtain closes on the Rocks or Italian.
Capacity: 903
(With three misspellings, 3 accents that have been: quick, are, curtain) "may say this is because of the CAM.

press reports today about the attendees:
Alcorcón, March 6 (Reuters) .- The pre-campaign has already begun at Madrid's Socialist Party (PSM ), which in 74 days of regional and municipal elections has officially launched today its candidates in 110 municipalities, in a ceremony that brought together 1,500 supporters in Alcorcón.

* In short 600 attendees are more , but the questions are:

Where would be located?
What input? In the hallways? What doors?

Someone please explain it to us!



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