Sunday, February 6, 2011

Image Of Tampon With Implantation Bleeding

close your eyes and see black all around you. The wind whispers in your ear silent words. Think about why you are there and everything goes through your mind at breakneck speed.

Vertigo, as you feel now that you look down and see the cars pass under your feet and perhaps one or two people look up and point. But nobody cares that you're about to throw your life from the top of a building, after all who are to them? Nobody.


You're nobody to play well with life is yours as much as you have no right to destroy it by a stupid mistake.

look back and whispering wind now cries out before you toss your hair, and pulls vacuum your dreams, or were you, because you have nothing, you're about to do, you're one step from death.

And then you realize what really matters in this life. The mere fact that the heart can you and should mean something, but is also all those people who loves you, because believe it or not, you have friends who accept you for being you. I do not know if it help, but you could do for her because you love her, adore her look and how you love to smell her hair or touch it. Do you really would die without knowing it, without telling her you love her with all your soul?

Please do not, do not jump, do not go, do not die. Please.

And then he took a step toward eternal damnation.


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