Thursday, March 31, 2011

Can You Freeze Alcoholic Popsicles?

Whose fault is it ... ... ... ... ... ... ..?

(Photos taken on 31 March 2011, six months after completed and inaugurated ; the earlier works)

Once completed the new works to pedestrian on Main Street made , which began in February 2010 and ended September 10, 2010, when which was opened by Mr. Cascallana current mayor, as you can see in the Cascallazo Alcorcón:

We are seeing again just 6 months after completion of the same , the problems of all known and are repeated as also exposed to the Blog of IVI A :

This time we do not know who you will blame the current city government, and as the song says
.................( Whose fault is it .. .................)
toss back to the PP is not going to be able to sneak in, as they did with the old section pedestrianized 10 years ago, which are also arranging, nor with the usual arguments on the CAM, which used to almost everything they do wrong and is so overused, and is already very light.
These recent works have clearly been undertaken under the mandate of IU PSOE + ., (Errors excepted) and which have managed to draw a line "with multometro included for driving is wrong" in Alcorcón and divide it into two for most citizens will not to go through this way when clearly needed.

These new works will see clearly now assume that they are not being as good as they had expected and hoped, like those in La Plaza de la Hispanidad, and many other streets in the center of our City and that have been made to make them what they have come to call "streets of coexistence" but with all the additional problems that it causes us and continues to generate the public that we are seeing and experiencing:
Problems with bricks and stones placed in a puzzle, they break moving and moving.

What's happening? We wonder and we fear that if this will fix the date, in certain areas are going to go make new woes that will emerge from other sites, it is evident that something is doing or has done wrong.

This truly is to demand accountability and resignations from those who apply, but please do not tell us more stories, or invent more milongas.

***** day, April 4, 2011, continue with new arrangements Street Mayor.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ontario Sales Tax On A Boat

all started as a feeling, which became an illusion. She turned a quiet thought, then turned into a quiet word. And then that word began to grow stronger and stronger until it became a battle cry.

back when I call. There is no reason to say goodbye.

Just because everything's changing does not mean it will never be as before. All you do is try to know who your friends as you walk into battle. Find a star in the night sky and follow your light.

'll return when everything is finished. There is no reason to say goodbye.

And now we're like in the beginning, it's just a feeling and is now known. But just because they do not feel does not mean you forget. Make your memories grow stronger and stronger until right before your eyes.

Vovlerás when you call. There is no reason to say goodbye.

The Call, Regina Spektor

Friday, March 25, 2011

How To Mold Ballet Slippers

Lately the sky is beautiful.
guess it's because you're up there.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cheap Gocart Frames For Sale


* without examining the reasons and need for which are arranged in some cases, streets, driveways and sidewalks and how they are doing to make the call by our mayor, "Street of coexistence," which originated in a little over a year the problems we are seeing, as some of them up again and re-arrange, because the pavement is suffering, deteriorates rapidly and moves to step over them, as already noted in various articles of our blog:

In this new chapter goes on and on, namely into a new project they have designed their authors, is occurring and we are living a new case of total neglect in the preambles of the work being done between the corner of San Luis and individual plant over a square that Bricks and was perfectly smooth, but have decided unpaver and implementation of this action are ignoring such an important thing which is road safety in relation to the possibility to walk on the sidewalks and without any danger to people who have to go through them as is required, and that the same is lying on the ground, fences and metal pipes, pieces of wood, with sharp peaks, without sufficient protection of these materials for pedestrians, that originated on Monday, got worse on Tuesday, is still more badly on Wednesday and continues today Thursday ordered something else but with the same state of danger on the sidewalk where they continue from people.

On March 15 (Tuesday) we reported a resident of this area, local police called to denounce this, although police City came with a car, stopped and looked to the petition noting the telephone, but to this day Today has not done anything to correct that problem with the dump on the sidewalk in an uncontrolled way and still there as can be seen in the photos attached, are lying on the floor, though a bit more orderly but , a visible risk to pedestrians.

Aside from the new urban inventions that no one has requested, despite the City Council meetings on its famous:
"talk" and
"What we Alcorcón"
Our city leaders have chosen to what they consider appropriate at all times, but without the neighbors really, yes as we are in an election campaign like the "aggrandizement" and the large demonstrations in this sense, on what they're doing something and not know how , albeit still unfinished work, which began several years ago and have abandoned and not pay the suppliers or contractors, which should be around 90 million € uros, as has been reported recently Auditor Municipal People's Party .
Still, go and get into new ponds in an uncontrolled way as above we see and violating the rights of residents road safety.

also another neighbor on the street Polvoranca also reported to the municipal police on 12 at 11.30 h ., which had been thrown from a terrace, a wooden chair, a cart and a broom and fortunately no one fell on him, as the three devices are resting on top of a pine tree located San Luis street, with the consequent danger that this act has meant uncivil by the person to the crime and should be duly punished.
Well, in spite of this, absolutely nothing happens, those three things today are also there, in spite of the pine branches that has been tested by the Municipal Police itself, and as may prove in the photo above, no items have been properly removed, or identified the person responsible for that fact.

Finally, with these situations that are so easy to fix and have no cost to the City Hall, but a mere formality to require those responsible in the first instance to the company that makes these works to pick up and order, the dumped on the sidewalk, and the second to identify the ownership of such property thrown into the street from above, but with the TMN system apparently used the municipal government today, we noted with despair the lack of concern by our City Council in solving the problems that are raised by different members of the local community and yet they announced with great fanfare that we are addressing and solving effectively, but if it is true that God come and see, possibly with the new Citizen Card (We Alcorcón) and have recently put at our disposal and as we mentioned in the letter we are sending out, enjoy of this new way to make it easier, close and effective relationship between the neighbors and the City Council, but that is not a hook over the election campaign, that everything is for real and not mere words to the wind, of course no longer chop the bait, do not believe Mr. Mayor and his party, not fine words can clog up the whole mess for many years.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Can I Give My Dog Penicillin Pregnant

Because you did not forget, I take a minute of silence, although they deserve millions more, all those who were victims of the barbarity of the terrorists.
Because this silence contains:
  • All words that nest in my heart and I do not know how to say.
  • All the tears I shed but I dare not, because I have no right to call what I feel pain. pain is felt by those who have lost someone there . I, on that side, I'm lucky.
  • All words of encouragement that I can not say those people who lost someone. Everything
  • I will not mention and what I say to these murderers.
  • All the fear I feel, because that could happen to us all.
  • All I think I have value because it has made us stronger.
  • All support for the victims.
  • All the beats stopped listening for seven years. All
  • resentment toward those who need to pass something like this to realize that humanity is going to hell. All the light
  • containing the millions of candles that are lit every year for them.
  • All souls of people today have thought they . Once
things, March 11. A black day, a day of sorrow and tears. And also hope, because hope it does not ever happen again. It pays to think that murderers like these people tend to be a better person, if only for a day.

Ithilwen \u0026lt;3

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Verizon Como Contactarlos

Socialist Mayors in Buero Vallejo de Alcorcón.

Today March 6 was held at 12:00 pm in the Teatro Buero Vallejo de Alcorcón:

The Presentation of the socialist candidates to the various Municipalities of the CAM,

to be present in municipal elections May 22, with the assistance of the Secretary General of the PSM and Development Minister José Blanco.

I attended as an observer of it and I could see that at 12:00 was almost filled both in the stalls as on the first floor, but in the second there were still empty seats.
Theatre The capacity is 900 people , one could say that attendance has been around about 850 people and left over spaces (this encryption until 12:05 pm) despite have come out a total of 7 coaches and several private cars that have been able to assume more than half of the attendees about 500 people, and therefore our City the number of attendees will have been around 350 people.
understand that this morning will be magnified by the organizers as expected so be it and tell yourself it was all packed.
In two separate presentations to which I also attended at this place, called by other parties:
-UPyD, on January 27, 2011 and the Popular Party on March 1, I learned that ; the same for other reasons had to be made in the humble hall of the same place, although the last one can not reach all the attendees come from lack of capacity.

Me he tenido que venir con un sabor agridulce y con el interrogante de haber asistido posiblemente a la famosa Ley del Embudo, para mí lo ancho y para ti lo estrecho, pero supongo que esta será la historia que se repite y repetirá por múltiples circunstancias en una y otra parcela según quienes manden y así les convengan.


Capacity in the Teatro Buero Vallejo, according to the City, as you can see on their website:

"was inaugurated on September 20, 1994. It has 12,000 square meters, 4 exhibition halls and two libraries, one for adults and children. It has six dressing rooms and a rapid change. His 903 seats are upholstered in velvet pale pink and the scene closes with a color of the curtain closes on the Rocks or Italian.
Capacity: 903
(With three misspellings, 3 accents that have been: quick, are, curtain) "may say this is because of the CAM.

press reports today about the attendees:
Alcorcón, March 6 (Reuters) .- The pre-campaign has already begun at Madrid's Socialist Party (PSM ), which in 74 days of regional and municipal elections has officially launched today its candidates in 110 municipalities, in a ceremony that brought together 1,500 supporters in Alcorcón.

* In short 600 attendees are more , but the questions are:

Where would be located?
What input? In the hallways? What doors?

Someone please explain it to us!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

How Does Irs Notify You Of Audit Cerified Letter

PARKING (Reflections from Liberty)

* hang up today an article was already published in our previous blog ALCORCÓN NEIGHBORS on the September 2009 event.

And now once again has taken so just published the current candidate for mayor of Alcorcón, David Perez, on the same subject, I have already given us Alcorcón Neighbors and so we made a statement to that effect.

In our article we said among other things:
A rule of thumb that are not taking into account our current municipal government is:

That as families can not live
spending beyond their income,
the municipalities nor should it
to borrow and no debt, and
that this not only
Deceive also
do but also and primarily
to all citizens who have entrusted them. ++++++++++++++++

the end of 2009 the current municipal government as reported through various media, have been built since 2003 a total of 18 car parks with approximately 9,000 parking spaces available, which according to recent estimates have been between 30% to 40% without being sold, for giving up their awarded them as a result of the economic crisis we are experiencing.

They're trying to rent to own, or wanting to spend whole plants that have failed to sell, rotary parking spaces, particularly in the Eyes Seventh Street, which has caused great uncertainty among homeowners with squares and there without even having worked with them to carry out this project which were not in the original plans.

Why so many seats are left over?
is clear that among other things, it has lacked a real programming, whether the needs of they would be covered, which is not properly made. All of this has joined the problem of economic crisis to a greater or lesser extent we are suffering and also that a large majority of citizens can not currently afford the satisfaction of getting a parking space.
is no doubt that the availability of these new positions should have helped to alleviate the huge shortage of parking that we chronically in our town, but has not been the case and an explanation among others is that they have also eliminated thousands of them on the roads, hence the announced release of road space by the end of 2009 of 45 miles has not happened, or at least not at this time has been the impact so remarkable that we have proclaimed our municipal leaders as we continue with the same problems to park on the surface, or perhaps even more than before, with reasons also the many works that continue to this day in different roads in our municipality.
is clear that this has failed or is failing something, or not properly informing us. The acid test is pretty easy, if we take the car and try to find the gaps that we are advertised on the street, and I say no and 45 kilometers, but simply only 45 meters, this alone is already an almost impossible mission to get to solve at least a quick and easy.
Still, despite that they are not selling well built plazas and our City Council remains committed to continue building the remaining 20 car parks (which amount to more than 10,000 beds) and affordable, say, less than half the market price, but this really is not so, but say it is well ahead of their propaganda.

The benefit we have announced in some streets of our population this constructive policy has been to the contrary, damage, since roads have been narrowed to unreasonable limits, sidewalks and built huge, with the attendant problems that this has generated in the mobility of vehicles, see these effects Avenue street Cantarranas and Calle León, among others, which had to be fixed several times because of this.
some sidewalks in the downtown area of \u200b\u200bAlcorcon are embedding bike lanes, which have not been sued by neighbors who live in it, but nevertheless they are doing, because they say so in his election program contained . But do not get properly addressed if they are fit or not and determine their real needs and effectively by specialists that exist within this area.

* For these reasons the neighbors on 3 October 2009, demonstrated outside City Hall
to protest all these situations we are living and enduring.

did not occur because they are building parking lots:

They did it because we are eliminating thousands of places in the roads and as is also reflected, are narrowing them irresponsibly .
wondering were expressed among other things, what was the point of all this:

"Sell the seats that are unsold, in order to continue to build even more?

They did also, because some seats have been destroyed for the sake of flagship parks construction of underground car parks and have made real disasters of urban type, dramatically eliminated virtually all existing trees, and settling devices of little use and of questionable taste.
In this chapter, municipal parking, our council is doing all the circumstances dictate otherwise.

However, in other English cities and to this case have decided not to build at least for now more parking spaces, but before a demand there really committed to them.


"You can not continue with the policy to work to eliminate parking spaces, and the hidden agenda is to buy them in the car parks built by the City.

"It should remain what they are doing, by widening sidewalks and eliminating surface parking, without rhyme or reason as seen in many cases.

"Knowing that currently are being left unsold seats, our current city leaders have to seriously consider this policy.

* It is clear that they have to stop building the same at least for now and in the absence of true open channels of participation to study and see the real needs, far from the drawings and other artifacts of compromise, you should create something more effective, for example a list of cases of the above places on payment of a specified amount as a reserve and if all expectations then proceed to execute them in a timely manner.

basics Otherwise it would not continue to build no more.

* Obviously the problem of the lack of parking building is resolved parking, but not while eliminating more space than is really necessary for the same purpose within driveways.
