Monday, April 4, 2011

Cover Page Dental Hygienist New Grad


Today we have entered an official of the City and have seen several posters placed on walls unsigned by anyone, they have left us stunned, one of them was even edited by hand and on the same base for a simple photocopy with a picture of the area created with the following note:

SUNDAY APRIL 10: 19.00.
* Researched on this matter, we note that in the official blog of the Center for the Arts Building Alcorcón also put in place a program of guided tours, with the aim to make their facilities and this is done at the following website:

supposed to be mainly as a result of the sweet Spring Alcorcón 2011 that we are also advertised.

We immediately put to meditate on the subject and first nos preguntamos:

¿Pero esto que es?

¿Es legal visitar unas obras que todavía no están terminadas?

¿No tiene o puede tener sus riesgos estas interesantes e instructivas visitas?

¡Socorro!  Que se lo decimos de verdad no se CREAAN.

*Con las grúas todavía instaladas y los obreros aún trabajando, a alguien se le ha ocurrido esta feliz idea de hacer propaganda y poner en marcha un programa guided tours and agreed to CREAA, as they have come to call, so we can all of us notes and we do fine, and without danger, though, and without disturbing the people who still work there (would be good , missing more) visits will be made only during periods of weekends (Friday to Sunday)

The guides ensure that the works are in a phase that allows the guided tour and safely but should be limited while the same, people with mobility problems, as well as go with proper footwear, high visibility clothing, safety helmets, respect the existing security signs, and be very careful not to miss the group (do not know if I forgot something else)
This in and of itself indicates that security is understandable and we say no is guaranteed one hundred percent.

Although that if the organizers argue that they are controlled and they want, need to show this great project to citizens, through pre-registration and in organized groups. Although not say who or who leave these noble desires.

We have discussed this matter and we are many we wonder again what comes to mind all that.

What reasons are doing?

Some also believe it can be very clear!

While others do not know or do not want to see, understand this absurdity have mounted with an evil purpose and that we understand is the forthcoming municipal elections, in order to try to channel and more dazzle unwary and who intend to leave stunned by the great results of a lot of money has been spent there, apparently 187 million Euros and rising.

But is this normal? Is it decent?
Or is just the result of deliberate as has already been said?
If this is so we wonder:

How can agree that a work is not finished yet used for this purpose?

From The Department of Culture, the work reported and 550 people have visited.

But how is possible, if you have not been opened?

Who has given permission for this invention, we assume that the above Department?

Is this reportable?

Please gentlemen council's Party, the current theoretical opposition municipal misrule, take note of this case and make Vdes., A much-needed opposition that we need and if there is the slightest indication that this is being done is not appropriate, because go and expose them to the Central Electoral Board, or to whom it comes, because we do not feel normal, it is not acceptable that is inviting interested citizens to this end.

This issue has only explanation that it is being used at the close election campaign, and if we do not remember wrong this act as such should be prohibited, because we understand also that could be labeled as a mere electoral propaganda disguised.
We encourage you to protect us from these leaders who are thinking only in the next May 22 and inviting citizens of such a party to visit the CREAA, "his masterpiece, which although still unfinished, and does not even know how the fund will be able to, yes dare to think how to make electoral gains.

To our knowledge only do so on their interest, by the vote they think they can get, but not in the true safety of the people.

Is not that so?

Given all this
we ask:
Where is the famous Electoral Reform Law on openings, foundation stones, success-banned campaigns since 29 March and on advertising in the "pre-campaign"
-prohibited in the period since the announcement of the elections until the start of the campaign itself, from March 29 until May 6?

Did not prohibited the direct or indirect public administration in such openings, made with public money and with the intent to make campaign current ruling party's election?


Well, we will think Vdes.!


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