The "Mini Cup Rally" be another major developments present the Argentine Rally for the 2011 season, which can be seen in action at the attractive Mini Cooper skidded on the roads of Argentina, as are doing now worldwide ..
This brand new class began to be conceived some time ago, and now are found
enters its decisive phase, as among racks are taking the necessary steps for the first season of a unique racing series. The rally Mini was first introduced to the press and guests at the start prerace symbolic opening of the Argentine Rally, held on Thursday at 20:30 at the Avenida del Libertador (CABA), outside the headquarters of the Argentine Automobile Club .

The results obtained during the first tests of the car, suggest that the Cup drivers will experience even more vivid emotions behind the wheel. Greater ability to accelerate and increased top speed, higher lateral acceleration values \u200b\u200band optimized traction system, these are the characteristics that distinguish this new sport. For spectators, witnessing all of this means more exciting races, with more action and breathtaking duels on earth, which will be launched in the career of the province of Catamarca, in June, the first date Mini Rally Cup, with the exception of disputing a joint rally on gravel and asphalt .
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