Sunday, April 24, 2011

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: Formula 1 driver Robert Kubica was discharged after 11 weeks of hospitalization

Polish driver Robert Kubica Formula 1 left the hospital today in Italian who was interned for 11 weeks by a serious accident last starred in a February 11 rally in Italy ..

"His condition is good and will now begin a new phase of rehabilitation outside hospital l" reported the medical center Santa Corona, reproduced according to the agency Dpa. As announced last week Kubica, will now spend a few days at his home in Monte Carlo and then travel back to Italy to continue working with the doctor Riccardo Ceccarelli .

Kubica was replaced at the Lotus-Renault team by German Nick Heidfeld , he underwent several operations, the most complicated in the right hand. "The mobility of my hand is limited, but is normal in a situation because the arm muscles are still very weak, "said the 26-year-old whose return to Formula is uncertain.


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