Our New Year Message to
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Boat Trailer Walk Boards
Please read it and find out where to crisis is going.
Pure Poetry is not intended to give lessons in all, draw your own conclusions.
Why a deputy with just seven years of practice, and chooses to retire with full rights and a worker needs 35?
As there are more things they denounce:
Being a politician is a bargain with privileges available to them and their heirs. A circle of about 80,000 people closed and opaque.
13.-CALDERA, JESUS: former Minister of Labour and Social Affairs received 6,319 euros a month for his seat in the House, where he rounded his salary as a member of the Permanent Deputation and chairman of a commission. When I was minister raised the minimum wage to 600 euros. Four years later, his salary is 10 times that figure, which receives simply by not opening your mouth. Caldera has not submitted a single initiative and has participated in the Congress since the beginning of the current legislature. Eventually, in 2009 claimed more than 120,000 euros for services rendered.
14.-CARGOS: There are 8,112 mayors and 65,896 councilors, 1,206 regional parliament, 1,031 provincial deputies, 650 deputies and senators, 139 responsibility of Councils and Island Councils and 13 directors of the Aran Valley.
15.-CASTIGO: we have never sanctioned any politician for violating the Code of Good Governance, which is supposed to control the practices of the Executive.
26.-OVERTIME: in 2008 the government of La Rioja paid € 200,000 extra drivers. Made 870,182 miles, about 2,300 a day, enough to cross three times Spain this to west. An expense is curious since the smallest community in the country and its population is less than that of any Madrid dormitory town. The use of official cars for private affairs is a practice as common as underground.
30.-SEAFOOD: no legal limit for meals of English political representation. There is also no pre-inspection when purchasing ham, champagne or cava pure high. Example decontrol is the Valencian Socialist Vicent Costa. Had lost the elections in favor of the PP, but was still acting mayor. And as such it spent nearly 500 euros of public money on shrimps, crayfish, lobster, razor clams, ham and stew. Good bye.
Please read it and find out where to crisis is going.
Pure Poetry is not intended to give lessons in all, draw your own conclusions.
is evidence that the millions of msn, mail, via phone and Internet has managed to irritate politicians in this country. There has been recognition of the crisis that has led them to get off the salary, lowering testimonial and ridiculous, but their entry into e-media as it has circulated around the country, millions of them with his message of Indecent day and night have thrashed the shell rather, the chutzpah, of politicians who believe in the Spains as domains in which to exercise their rights of aristocratic class.
must continue to denounce and take action on all these messages that I put into evidence. WE ALL KNOW:
1 .- what Zapatero and Rajoy earn in a month, a pensioner with four children and lives for two years.
2 .- It is the lack of control, that in Spain there is no single institution that knows many politicians come to the state.
3 .- A English man has a maximum pension of 32,000 euros per year, but politicians are entitled to much higher annuities. 74,000 euros in the case of the first sword of La Casta. Furthermore, these pensions are not inconsistent with other salaries of government or other economic activities. A deputy or senator must be only seven years in office to qualify for the maximum pension, while a worker autonomous or self-employment needs 35 years of contributions.
4 .- The retention of deputies and senators payroll is only 4.5%
5 .- Did you paying out of pocket the fines imposed on the DGT political? And also the premium paid?
6 .- Travel unnecessary? A congressional committee requests permission for 60 members traveling to the Canary Islands four days to study the cultivation of bananas.
7 .- Zapatero is the only president of the EU to charge expenses to the budget holiday state. Travel with 100 people for three weeks.
8 .- Aznar, Jose Maria: is the only former Prime Minister has requested the salary for life which is sitting on the Council of State: 74,000 euros per year. Wanted to add payroll to the executive of media mogul Rupert Murdoch. He refused but it came profitable. Aznar gave a salary of 220,000 euros a year, three times what it charged as a state councilor. [It is difficult to quantify, as in the case of other former presidents, how much money they combine their private and public activities].
9.-TRUANCY: there are no official data on lack of political work or at least not made public.
10.-AVIONES: Members can use at will under state coffers planes, trains or ships. Feature of 5,000,000 euros per year for travel.
11.-BONO, JOSE: between salary and allowances, the president of Congress charges 13,856 euros per month: 3,126 per member, in addition to 3,605, 3,915 to 3,210 cost of representation and freely available. The last two items totaling more than 6,000 euros a month for meals, gifts and acts of protocol. All this money without the compensation provided by law to cover "expenses that are indispensable to the exercise of their function. "
12.-BOTELLA, Joseph, brother of José María Aznar was signed in Brussels, from the offices of the PP in the capital. In court official who was considered for determining a member, Gerardo Galeote, who headed the delegation popular in Europe. In less than two years, the brother of Ana Botella is shielded with a European salary for life.
14.-CARGOS: There are 8,112 mayors and 65,896 councilors, 1,206 regional parliament, 1,031 provincial deputies, 650 deputies and senators, 139 responsibility of Councils and Island Councils and 13 directors of the Aran Valley.
15.-CASTIGO: we have never sanctioned any politician for violating the Code of Good Governance, which is supposed to control the practices of the Executive.
16.-COCHES: the luxury of many autonomous leaders led them to lay their backsides in cars more than 100,000 euros. Gallardón, Mayor of Madrid, moves in an Audi A8 for 591,624 euros. He was hired on lease until 2011, so the mayor spent 150,000 euros a year from the pockets of its citizens to move around the city and beyond. Fourteen of the 17 presidents autonomic used Audi. The Valencian Francisco Camps has several at his disposal (the community has 200 vehicles for their senior officials, most of them Volvo S80, 40,000 euros), as happened with Chavez in Andalusia, whose government has 234 official cars.
17.-CHAVES, MANUEL: 81,155 euros per year charged by a minister more compensation than 46,000 a year to leave the presidency of Andalusia. That is, 127,155 per year. Two government salaries for senior support only. For other English is prohibited by law.
18 .- WASTE: Congress spends 160,000 euros each year on Christmas gifts. 11,000 public officials receive gifts at this time, spending a year totaling 2,200,000 euros.
19.-DEUDAS: every English banks due to 566 euros for the debt of the municipalities.
20.-DESCONTROL there is such in the administration of public funds in Spain there is no single institution that knows many politicians come to the state.
21.-DIETAS: parliamentarians who do not live in Madrid also receive salary, some 1,823 euros per month for their alleged support costs and accommodation. Premises, 870 for expenses, tax free. The sum of these simple additions exceeds the salary of 12 million citizens. In addition, they charge 150 euros per day if you go abroad, and 120 when traveling around the country.
22.-PLUG: up to three months, each MEP available 17,140 euros a month to hire relatives. The former president of the PP in Catalonia and the European Chamber vice president, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, put on the payroll as a secretary in Brussels Albert Strong, brother of his wife. And Caceres PP MEP, Philip Nightdress (died May 2009) spouse hired as an assistant, as did also MEP Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines popular with his daughter. So did the Socialist Enrique Barón the daughter of a militant related. [Today, the family members were removed from the templates of the English deputies. However, blood relatives have been replaced by staff close the party].
23 .- FOUNDATIONS: 52 national policy positions in 74 different foundations: 31 by the PSOE, the PP 28 and 4 for the other groups. Soledad Becerril conservative is the more active: a member of the board of six foundations. Not all have a distinctly political.
24.-GUERRA QUEEN, ALFONSO: son of former Deputy Prime Minister, Alfonso Guerra. He was handpicked as assistant vice president of the European Parliament, the Socialist Miguel Angel Martinez. Over 140 million a year in salaries of 1,200 are recommended. With that money could keep the services of a English city of 115,000 inhabitants a year.
25 .- FINANCE: payroll withholding of deputies and senators is only 4.5%.
26.-OVERTIME: in 2008 the government of La Rioja paid € 200,000 extra drivers. Made 870,182 miles, about 2,300 a day, enough to cross three times Spain this to west. An expense is curious since the smallest community in the country and its population is less than that of any Madrid dormitory town. The use of official cars for private affairs is a practice as common as underground.
27.-IBARRETXE, JUAN JOSE: Former lehendakari Basque Government receives about 45,000 per year, half of what you entered when he was president. And it charged for life, like all members of the executive. Such pensions are well above the legal limit for the rest of the English, who can not collect more than 32,000 per year, by far who have contributed all his life.
28.-IMPUESTOS: a citizen, for example, the Madrid based their wage tax of 27 Councillors, 120 members of the Madrid Assembly, 264 senators, 350 deputies and 54 national Parliament. In total, 815 elected officials with a basic salary of over $ 3,000. And not counting the positions of trust which carries each.
29.-JUBILADO GOLD: After leaving the IMF, Rodrigo Rato returned to Spain with a lifetime pension of $ 80,000 annually. Added to the former minister's salary in 2006 was receiving 37,070 euros per month. [A English needs to contribute at least 35 years, 15 with the higher base, in order to collect the maximum pension of 32,000 euros per year].
30.-SEAFOOD: no legal limit for meals of English political representation. There is also no pre-inspection when purchasing ham, champagne or cava pure high. Example decontrol is the Valencian Socialist Vicent Costa. Had lost the elections in favor of the PP, but was still acting mayor. And as such it spent nearly 500 euros of public money on shrimps, crayfish, lobster, razor clams, ham and stew. Good bye.
31.-MÓVILES: Senators have 1.7 million euros per year telephone charges. The municipality of San Lucar de Barrameda had 270 discharged. Among the services are paid game downloads, Cuba and several calls to erotic lines.
32.-MOROSOS: members of La Casta invested 66.6 million euros in the general elections of 2008. Of that money, 44 million were provided by English banks to finance advertising campaigns megalógamas. The same entities that crisis year seized homes to 60,000 families for lack of liquidity. 180,000 people were left homeless. However, the parties must Casta banks 144.8 million euros.
33.-NEGOCIOS: only 33% of Members of Congress are dedicated solely to their political work. The rest fattening their bank accounts involving private companies, foundations and various collaborations. Some, like PP deputy Miguel Angel Cortés, bring together up to 12 extra-parliamentary activities.
34 .- PAYROLL: salaries of elected politicians (80,000 members breed, that would fill a stadium like the Real Madrid) costing some 720 million citizens per year, more than the annual budget the entire rail network, three times the money spent to care for the national patrimony and 60 times more than what country spends on oral health for young people.
35 .- Pajín LEIRE: in 2000 crowned the youngest Member of Spain. Eight years later, at age 33, and is entitled to compensation of 85,000 euros per year by the State. Receive 5,500 euros per month for his work as head of the PSOE, is entitled to 80% of their salary as former Secretary of State for Cooperation, 103,000 per year with all the accessories, to which must be added 3126 as a senator.
36.-PENSIÓN OF SCANDAL: former ministers hold for two years a pension of 58,000 grants per year, a figure six times higher than the pension the English average. Currently, four former ministers compatible in that money with the salary of deputy: José Antonio Alonso, Fernández Bermejo, María Antonia Trujillo, Jesus Caldera.
37.-PROSTITUTES: Councilman Palma de Mallorca, Rodrigo de Santos, more than 50,000 euros spent on prostitutes and gay bars. In Estepona, several local members are being investigated for charging 42,000 euros to a network investigated by the National Court to open a club hostess. In 2002, former mayor of Dolores (Alicante) was sentenced to six months in prison for paying the bill from a local hostess, attended by seven people.
38.-REGALOS: there is no specific law on the gifts they can accept or not the politicians. In the U.S., for example, go to the State. Condoleezza Rice received last year in official travel jewelry worth 360,000 euros. Nobody here is obliged to declare. You can stay with them. No more.
39.-SOLBES, PEDRO: After leaving politics in April 2009, former finance minister met with a withdrawal of some 12,000 euros a month (a pension of 2,725 euros by a civil servant, his pension annuity as a former European commissioner and other compensation 5,700 a month for two years, by former minister). A Solbes therefore, expect a retirement five times greater than that of any English.
40.-SECRETOS: obscurantism on expenditure reaches the absurd. The European Parliament has an Office of Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF, for its acronym in English). However, their reports are confidential and its entire content is known only by parliamentarians. Voters may know the good deeds of politicians, but only La Casta known fraud data.
41.-NO LIMITS: Each regional parliament, council or city council establishes the salary of their elected officials without any limits or scale. José Bolarín Mayor of Ulea (Murcia), with 900 inhabitants, charges about $ 4,000. The Ricote, near the old village, takes 40,000 a year in a population that does not reach the 1,300 residents. And the mayor of Marbella, Marisol Yagüe, charged more than the prime minister: 84,462 euros per year in a municipality that was in bankruptcy.
42.-TAXIS: the comfort of your lordships to do their job is such that Congress gives to those who own cars do not have a personalized card with a balance of 250 a month to travel by taxi from Madrid.
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Dear Poet:
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"pure poetry"
Thanks Pure Poetry , do with this complaint of 42 points is something that we have all considered.
I have breathed new courage, and often lack, does not know, or we dare not even reach move.
I have breathed new courage, and often lack, does not know, or we dare not even reach move.
(An aspiring poet)
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Toliet Paper Roll Penis
January 20
tears sliding down her face like a dagger in a heart of stone. From the bank sees hundreds of happy families smiling while playing with the snow. She knows she can never do that because all their hopes were dashed that winter with him. I knew that would happen because everything was getting too weird. And she knew when the train left the station and saw her eyes empty glass.
The steam escapes from his mouth frozen in a sigh. A wry smile forms on his lips, lips that he never again to kiss, lips that will never form sincere smiles, because any trace of joy in his heart could have snuck in the train and escaped the arm of that monster man.
She crumples the paper has in his hands and presses it into his hand. It hurts but that only serves to make more tears came into her eyes. She is the one guilty of that. Fell in love with those eyes, made them indispensable to live and now they've gone do not know how to proceed with his life. There are days that have no power or out of this prison is home has not yet had the courage to look in the mirror, face the reality. He wants to believe that he will return as he left, that one day he would a letter or phone call, but in the background your heart knows that will never happen, that he has forgotten that already has another woman who say nice words to hear.
The ghost of his love makes fun of her from afar, everything looks like a cruel joke of fate past. His hands start to shake. She kisses the ball of paper and drawing strength from weakness throws the ball to that ghost, making it disappear. Rose the bank and, weeping, runs away from that accursed place. Εïз
few steps walking on the snow on that park so special. His feet are faced with a crumpled paper ball with lipstick on one side. He stoops to pick it up feeling a hunch. That lipstick was the one she wore. I had kissed so many times ... He opened the paper and hopes were broken to pieces. It is a picture of them two kissing at the park. I did not expect that she has overcome her departure, still wanted to believe that love him, but now you see that picture knows that it is not, you've forgotten, who rolled their photos. And he is the only guilty for leaving when he should not, for being so cowardly and hurt the person you love. Save the picture in the pocket of his coat and ran away from there while tears from his eyes.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Ice Cream Slogans Shop
you will no longer see
I see. Walking through a dream I see you. My light and my dark waiting for the breath of new life. Now you live through me and I live through you. Encantada.
in my heart I pray that this dream never end. I see through your eyes to a new life, flying high, your love lights the way to paradise. So I offer my life as a sacrifice, living through your love. You taught me to see that everything is beautiful, my senses touched a world never imagined. I give you my hope, I give up.
in my heart I pray that this dream never end. I see through your eyes to a new life, flying high, your love lights the way to paradise. So I offer my life as a sacrifice, I offer my love, because I'd never opened my heart to a world like yours and my spirit has never been free, but my eyes did not imagine all the colors of love and eternal life. Ever I see through your eyes, flying high. Your love illuminating the path to paradise. Live through your love.
I see ...
I see you, Leona Lewis (BSO Avatar)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Make Your Own Wwe Belts Online
¡¡¡¡¡ TRILLION BILLION quintillion (I do not care does not exist) THANKS TO BETH BY award a prize !!!!!!
I think the first prize of this blog right? Yes, it is the first. THANK YOU BETH!
1. Say that you created your web
2. Say from when you have your web
3. Say if you feel proud of your web
@ 4. Say you change things and that thing never would you take in your web
5. Give it to the blog you want, at least 2.
First of all notice that I only roll up blinds: S
1. Well, I created a blog (sweet imagination) in February this year, I think and that site was my "newspaper staff, put everything that was wrong and so on. But one day I posted something and I had not caused a big problem with a person you love very much, so I felt bad and left the blog radically. But I needed to vent somehow, so I created what at first was to be called "Princess Tower" or "The Haunting of Bell," but that day was a ballet performance and was fatal because he had not arranged things with that person, so I wrote a story (which I have to remember that up) of a dancer I had to leave to act and felt that this was not his world, and fled to his lair, a music box where they put a spin to ease his pain, but got locked forever and share their sorrows with his reflection in the mirror. So well did the name. Throughout his short life has been taking several headers, etc. designs. but we are now I think it will be final. Sorry again for dwell much: S
2. From the July 22, 2010, the day I danced "My All" by Mariah Carey.
3. Yes, I am very, very, very proud. No I have many followers, and I know my stories are not as good as could be, and I know that someone may not like, but for me this part is very important, because in it I can criticize me relief and aspects of life , a soft and delicate and not with insults and screaming and fighting, as others would. I can hear from others about my stories and brighten up my day with the comments made by that comment. Take this opportunity to thank you:)
4. Mmmm ... Images may change affiliation or the head and never, ever change the majority color, for a good dancer the color of their shoes is very important, and I know many would hate me for saying this, but I'm sure if you say "dancer" comes to mind you a little girl with pink tutu and a bow tie is not it? For I am a classical dancer conservative who believes in pink tutus and matching zapatillitas in the monkeys and combed and well made.
5. Grant the award to:
Wonder Land of Sawako
Again thank you, Beth.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Can You Get Pokemon Black White For Gps Phone
so often heard him play I knew all the songs on your piano whispered. He had a special gift, composed songs inspired by people I knew and tried to get the melodies fits your personality. Needless to say, always succeed and can not imagine how. Once he wrote one for me. I do not remember his name, just know that was one of the most beautiful songs had ever touched. The other was composed by her mother the day she died. I could not explain in words how it was, but I did mourn, you were very callous. I knew there was a gift, though he did not recognize before. Since that day only played for me in the mornings. It was so wonderful to wake up with music that, no matter how bad the day, always seemed nice. Only played the song twice, one at the funeral of his mother, the other minutes before dying. Always remember that melody.
Since then no day has been nice.
Ithilwen \u0026lt;3
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Dupagecounty Inmatesearch
raining. The sidewalks are wet and as cold water inlet to the bone me I can not stop thinking about you. I never really quit, but everyone believes so. I keep wondering why I'm so stupid I can not stop loving you. I wish I could say I tried to forget and could not, but that did not even try, I have no strength, nor will ... and denying it, I will not forget, I will not forget those chocolate brown eyes to match your hair, no smile, no words getting tear a tear if I remember. Do not want to forget all those times when you look and you do not you realize, when I embraced that time watching Titanic because I got to mourn, when we were on the lawn of the house of Alba seeing stars and looking for constellations , and it started raining and I left your jacket to keep cold cogiese, without stopping to think that was you could get it ... It was raining, as now, but then you were with me and the rain only seemed to me an element of the set in which you were the main focus, now, every drop is stuck like a dagger in my skin, but instead of bleeds out all those memories stored in the soul, memories that had long waiting to get out and martyred. And always accompanied by tears while trying to stop it. Sometimes I imagine that this is such a simple film that always end happily, which suffers much the princess, the prince always comes with his white stallion to save her from the tower where it is captive. But I know this is not a movie, if it were you would be here with me in the rain, filling me with one of your smiles that are impossible to forget, giving me kisses to make me warm up, saying all those nice things you think that there are only in books because they are too nice for someone to say them. How I wish you were here ... but I know that is impossible, we live in different worlds, I'm from Venus and Saturn and you still love you, love you in the distance, I love you because I'm stupid, I love you without meaning to, I love you because I love and I love you but you never know love me.
I hope one day you realize, Daniel.
I hope one day you realize, Daniel.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
How Long Until Mussels Go Bad
complex Damned always bring out the worst ... Under the umbrella
Sixteen years old, fierce, I thought the king of the world my motto flag: "What I say I do not listen" . There was nobody who could make a little change course, my idea first and not weighing very heavily. And so I rebelled against everything, even the Sun, living so distorted and I was angry with the world. Damn complex always bring out the worst. I "in the force will be the best" , I dressed up as one that was not me. Looking for that firm came to a black site and thought that was the value. And so I had to stop being who was , thinking that being a coward, which was to be believed. The brave are those who are true, nor the strong, or wars. The brave are those who can mourn with their faces uncovered. And so I rebelled against everything, even the Sun, living so distorted and I was angry with the world. Damn complex always bring out the worst. I "in the force will be the best" , I dressed up as one that was not me. Looking for that firm came to a black site and thought that was the value. The value today is look at his face and be who I am . And so I rebelled against everything, even the Sun, living so distorted and I was angry with the world. Damn complex always bring out the worst. I "will force best ", one that I dressed was not me. Looking for that firm came to a black site and I thought that was the value . Sixteen years old, fierce.

16 years old, Dani Martín.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Volunteer Hours Letter Sample Court
A boy, a girl, two friends, a shy autumn sun, clouds and a closed umbrella in a corner class. Two accomplices smiles and two hearts, one full and one delivered to the owner of the second smile. Artificial dreams in which two hearts joined forever, or at least for a moment.
The bell rings and both are on the street, at the same time, synchronized by the trust and over the years. Samuel and Lucia are known for eleven years and have always relied on each other. There is laughter on the way home, as usual, but this time is different, leading to Lucia by Samuel trackless dead, rather than go the usual way, but Lucy does not realize. The clouds ever take away more space from the Sun and the sky overcast gradually. Somewhere along the line in his hands rub and Lucia, as a good friend Samuel close to yours with love. Does not let go. At last the dreaded moment arrives, you can not extend it more, have reached the most beautiful place in the village, the lake. Lucy does not care, many times they had gone there after school.
- By the way, Sam, before cuelvas to evade the issue when you tell me who you think is your secret love? Lucia asks with a smile.
"I told you when she realizes.
- Is it class? If, right? I know who it is! It's Irene! Do not stop looking at her in class and she told me she is coladita for your bones -añade de forma picarona.
-No es a ella a quien miro en clase. No es Irene.
-Pues ya me dirás, porque la única chica que está cerca de Rebeca soy yo y... -sus ojos se abrieron desmesuradamente.
-Creo que es hora de decirlo, ya se ha dado cuenta -interrumpe Samuel-. Se llama Lucía y es la persona más maravillosa del mundo. Todos dicen que es muy rara, pero para mí es simplemente única. Tiene el pelo del mismo color que sus ojos, marrón chocolate. Cocina las mejores magdalenas del universo y cuando se pone a hacerlas está adorable con su delantal de vaquitas. Tiene la cara freckles and that's what I like about it, because it makes him look like a doll, though she says they are hateful and strives to hide with makeup. It is not the smartest or the fastest, nor the stands out most in something, but for me it is perfect, always cares for others without waiting for others to worry about it, is the only one of all her friends that when you are around a guy does not get nervous or saying stupid things . Is in love with my best friend but knows he never fixed it, but I do not care, I want you to know that I love with all my soul, which to me is the prettiest girl in the world and although I know I will to reject I do not feel like a complete idiot for saying this, well, now I think I am a complete idiot.
An awkward silence takes hold of both, had at last been found, but now comes the worst. Samuel realizes that while he has been moving gradually to Lucia and it has not released his hand. It starts to rain, Lucy opens the umbrella and cover with him to Samuel. What's going to say now? If, in love with David, but now that Samuel has said all that he realizes that it is also in love with him. Download the umbrella and the October cold water will hit in the face.
"You're a complete jerk, but it is true that only you would have thought you telling that to a girl who is in love with your best friend.'re The most wonderful guy in the world.
be merged into a sweet and passionate kiss, in the cold autumn rain.
At the bottom of her heart she was seven years waiting for this moment.
Ithilwen \u0026lt;3
Friday, October 22, 2010
Difference Between Elevated And High Esr
20 minutes has distributed its awards and recognition to the cultural work has fallen, from all posts at stake, to Stories History. I'm not happy just because you have fallen the award to my fellow countryman and friend Javier Sanz. I'm glad because it is an award deserved.
Congratulations to Harvey, and continue.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
On The Border Buckets

A friend is that and much more. A friend can not be defined, is like a spot of paint falls to chance upon your soul and the ink of friendship forever. Friends can not be erased from your mind as short bracelets gave you: any account will fall into your pocket, the day he serves, You are going to mourn and call to reconcile.
I do not know what the meaning of the word "friend" in the dictionary. And I will not bother to look. I know, I know within me. I know in the hours and hours talking at the risk of not completing homework, face to face or by phone, endangering the balance and miserable but I care, or the computer, playing with the confidence of my strict parents. For by a friend a risk everything. A friend is not the euphoric feeling that you remove the body when you kiss someone in the mouth. But the calm, the sweetness of the embrace (virtual or not) that you get your friends in those moments when the owner of the seductive lips has decided to cut you and only a handful of people scattered through your inner world can understand how bad you feel.
friends are with you. Always. Although you may know since you opened your eyes to the world and learn the meaning of the word "love", when they began the duties and child class that made you blush if you were together or when you entered the confusing maze of youth and you gave the first talk of sex. Friends do not understand time, they understand the dedication. Friends let you down, take away the urge to open the doors of your heart to others that you are not sure if you re- harm. But some of them, true, always know you back the lost confidence ... sometimes real friends are those that seem less important.
have to spend to live the life twelve hours of the day. The other half, dedícasela your friend.
This is the beginning of a friendship. For me. I do not know what it is for you, do not know if you think that someday we will fully know (but we have a best friend, I do not care, I do not want to replace anyone, nor am I able to do so), or that I am to fill holes bored of your evenings in the MSN. Honestly, I do not care. I care know that for me you you are becoming important, whenever you're in more moments I find when I check my memory. This, again, is only a small beginning. But I've heard that small beginning there are more surprises in store.
Happy Birthday. With best wishes to you, you are met today and the thousand and one days in store for you life. With best wishes for our friendship begins to grow, I hope to irrigate as much as the hydrangea purple, gold and blue flowers in my window Cinderella.
Happy Birthday. With best wishes to you, you are met today and the thousand and one days in store for you life. With best wishes for our friendship begins to grow, I hope to irrigate as much as the hydrangea purple, gold and blue flowers in my window Cinderella.
Enjoy today and enjoy forever. Have many gifts, but most of hugs, kisses and heartfelt wishes. The malware does not make you mourn today, no, I'll just shield and let tiny lights of happiness, hidden in candles and birthday cake, light up your life and make it better.
Happy birthday, friend. I give permission to call you. ___________________________________________________________
What do you think? Well this is what I wrote my dear Sol for my birthday.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tattoos For Pubic Area
Today is one of those days that I have only wanted to mourn and be alone. Today is one of those rare days when I'm smiling all day and cheer the lives of others. Today is one of those days where I need a shoulder to hold on to avoid falling into the abyss and I need a hug to know I'm not alone, because that is what they get others with their lies, I feel alone in this immense ocean. Long time no real smile, but others do not, and you, dear butterfly, you're going to keep my secret. I need to believe that there are things that make life worth living, because if I do not fear to die of loneliness. I need to believe that this will happen and along with a new day will come a new joy, I need to believe, but I can not.
I like to live in a world in which problems were 1% of the things to worry about, but I try to believe I'm where I have to, I have some absurd shit mission in this world and I have comply to feel good. Tell me, do you know what your mission in life? "Fly forever? I wish it was that my mission because I want to fly and get away from those girls who would give everything to meet a famous fool believed to cool and fails to chachi, those guys who, even when the ball bulged against them, playing football to fall from exhaustion.
try to figure out why you have wings and I do not. I try to figure out why the sky is blue and the trees are green regardless of the explanation for those who can not dream and think they have answers for everything. I try to build a time machine, but like water it always escapes my hands. I try to fight against the tide and not fall apart when everything falls on me so far but I've always gotten hold ... I must have gone crazy, really I am speaking to a butterfly? Walk, fly and try to live more than two days. If successful, again for me, I'll be waiting.
I like to live in a world in which problems were 1% of the things to worry about, but I try to believe I'm where I have to, I have some absurd shit mission in this world and I have comply to feel good. Tell me, do you know what your mission in life? "Fly forever? I wish it was that my mission because I want to fly and get away from those girls who would give everything to meet a famous fool believed to cool and fails to chachi, those guys who, even when the ball bulged against them, playing football to fall from exhaustion.
try to figure out why you have wings and I do not. I try to figure out why the sky is blue and the trees are green regardless of the explanation for those who can not dream and think they have answers for everything. I try to build a time machine, but like water it always escapes my hands. I try to fight against the tide and not fall apart when everything falls on me so far but I've always gotten hold ... I must have gone crazy, really I am speaking to a butterfly? Walk, fly and try to live more than two days. If successful, again for me, I'll be waiting.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
How Do You Get To The Journal On Howrse
Melody in Alabama, Ricardo Espin
Title: Melody in Alabama. Editorial Nalvay, 2010. Finalist in the "Dulce Chacón 2008 entitled Music Box.

Ricardo Finished the novel. The truth is that it reads very quickly, both in the frame format by the development. I also like the finish has given Nalvay.
Knowing the genesis of this story is that Richard has chosen the short story format and on average get more out of that always draws the stories. Anyway, considering the characters, would have worked also with a larger format (and we would have more hours of entertainment, for je, je). Has been beating Ricardo: those who prefer the short story leaves them satisfied, and we will engage the billet as if we fly fishing ... Finally, Ricardo is a machine (I always say), has a great production and it shows. It shows the job in time management. And also, or that at least caught my attention, as credible is the main character.
also quite cinematic, right. That's good because it conforms to the method of reading (or rather in reading) current and, who knows, I see very susceptible to adapt a script. Despite what some purists, the fact is that more and more like me sense to use that method, the film. I have already pointed out.
Finally, I highlight the illustrations, whose style helps set the atmosphere (though not be necessary because Ricardo has done quite well). Further evidence that the current novel is closely linked to visual aids, not just imaginative. Well, Ricardo, then congratulations on the book and thanks for letting the flag flying in Teruel. And congratulations also to Nalvay through it.
Knowing the genesis of this story is that Richard has chosen the short story format and on average get more out of that always draws the stories. Anyway, considering the characters, would have worked also with a larger format (and we would have more hours of entertainment, for je, je). Has been beating Ricardo: those who prefer the short story leaves them satisfied, and we will engage the billet as if we fly fishing ... Finally, Ricardo is a machine (I always say), has a great production and it shows. It shows the job in time management. And also, or that at least caught my attention, as credible is the main character.
also quite cinematic, right. That's good because it conforms to the method of reading (or rather in reading) current and, who knows, I see very susceptible to adapt a script. Despite what some purists, the fact is that more and more like me sense to use that method, the film. I have already pointed out.
Finally, I highlight the illustrations, whose style helps set the atmosphere (though not be necessary because Ricardo has done quite well). Further evidence that the current novel is closely linked to visual aids, not just imaginative. Well, Ricardo, then congratulations on the book and thanks for letting the flag flying in Teruel. And congratulations also to Nalvay through it.
Title: Melody in Alabama. Editorial Nalvay, 2010. Finalist in the "Dulce Chacón 2008 entitled Music Box.
Synopsis: Victor King, a writer in crisis, he moved to Alabama in the United States, the home of his mother. They rented an isolated house, hoping to find inspiration lost ... But soon strange things start to happen that will immerse Victor in a long history of crime, politics and violence, you will discover that nothing is as it seems.
Author: Ricardo Espin, Albacete birth, cosmopolitan by nature and making Teruel, author of over twenty novels which, until now, has published seven. Multidisciplinary, methodical and awarded in various literary competitions, Espin is undoubtedly the author with the greatest of Teruel.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Ford Escort Rough Idle In Gear
Amiga's game four
1. Once nominated @ you have to put the link of the blog you have nominated.
2. Nominate four persons: Aileen
Ana Alicia
Sawi (Sawako )
3. Do these people know that you've nominated.
said than done sir.
4 Things always in my bag:
-Mobile-Wallet with Money ( if not a bit stupid )
-Gum ( I am addicted to Orbit Eucalyptus)
-A pen coupled to a notebook through an elastic rubber band me gave my cousin.
4 Favorite Things in my room:
- My bookshelf ( am very cranky and are perfectly arranged alphabetically )
- My posters ( Roooooooooooob )
- My board .
- My huge collection of stuffed animals (I have up Pokemon 1 meter high and a platypus Perry xD but it is not ... )
4 Things I like right now:
Biology - Read
- Write
- Be the ordenadorcillo.
4 Things I always wanted to do:
- Give a tour of the world (especially go to London, New Zealand, Japan, Egypt and the U.S. )
- not bad to get back ever ever , ever ...
- Living in each and every historical period.
- Live as the protagonist of a book ( bone, star adventure)
4 Things You Did not Know Me ("Only four?) :
- I had a guinea pig named Francisca (Paquita Paca or for friends )
- I'll Ballet from 4 years and my intention is not to leave until studies prevent me from continuing it.
- I like to be a medical examiner or criminologist, but I am very disgusted blood.
- I've never had serious boyfriend (now not, nothing further two boyfriends I had in childhood, but that does not count )
4 songs that I can not get my head:
Beware - La Oreja de Van Gogh
I'm only me when I'm with you - Taylor Swift
Boring Brick by Brick ; (BBBB ) - Paramore
Unable to stay Unwilling to leave - James Horner (Titanic Soundtrack )
1. Once nominated @ you have to put the link of the blog you have nominated.
2. Nominate four persons: Aileen
Ana Alicia
Sawi (Sawako )
3. Do these people know that you've nominated.
said than done sir.
4 Things always in my bag:
-Mobile-Wallet with Money ( if not a bit stupid )
-Gum ( I am addicted to Orbit Eucalyptus)
-A pen coupled to a notebook through an elastic rubber band me gave my cousin.
4 Favorite Things in my room:
- My bookshelf ( am very cranky and are perfectly arranged alphabetically )
- My posters ( Roooooooooooob )
- My board .
- My huge collection of stuffed animals (I have up Pokemon 1 meter high and a platypus Perry xD but it is not ... )
4 Things I like right now:
Biology - Read
- Write
- Be the ordenadorcillo.
4 Things I always wanted to do:
- Give a tour of the world (especially go to London, New Zealand, Japan, Egypt and the U.S. )
- not bad to get back ever ever , ever ...
- Living in each and every historical period.
- Live as the protagonist of a book ( bone, star adventure)
4 Things You Did not Know Me ("Only four?) :
- I had a guinea pig named Francisca (Paquita Paca or for friends )
- I'll Ballet from 4 years and my intention is not to leave until studies prevent me from continuing it.
- I like to be a medical examiner or criminologist, but I am very disgusted blood.
- I've never had serious boyfriend (now not, nothing further two boyfriends I had in childhood, but that does not count )
4 songs that I can not get my head:
Beware - La Oreja de Van Gogh
I'm only me when I'm with you - Taylor Swift
Boring Brick by Brick ; (BBBB ) - Paramore
Unable to stay Unwilling to leave - James Horner (Titanic Soundtrack )
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Southside Car Auction Harvey

advantage that the Internet gods are again favorable me, I leave the link Bibliocafé , a project that is working and bringing together the concepts of library, cafeteria wifi and literary events center. If you come to Valencia, do not fail to pass for BC.

The place is not only ideal for lunch while read the newspaper or for a beer flipping through the book you just bought, or to use the lighting and quiet to write. Furthermore emerges as a place of literary presentations, discussion groups, reading clubs and creative writing workshops. Among these, one or another quite innovative, I know I ...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Women Showingthereboobs
Fare thee well, princess! The only exception
I got it all, hundreds of dresses, a thousand pairs of shoes, thirty servants to kiss you three hundred feet and secret admirers. You go to the best school in New York, you walk for the best streets, shopping at the best stores and have the best dressed but what it really is everything to which you aspire? For you that's all right? Sure, you have not known anything else ...
I grew up a woman who charged for it because your parents were too busy to make the case and you were trying to get noticed, small riding tantrums, now getting high and getting drunk, riding parties huge and forcing smaller ones to be like you. You are manipulative, egocentric and obnoxious, but do not blame you, is what others have done to you.
'll tell me how to see the world behind a curtain of smoke and drugs, because when you're sandwiched in your wall vanity, arrogance and money, I'll be living my life as I want, while you can never do that because they are born you plan for the future , we recorded a fire in the consciousness that you must marry a wealthy man, although he does not want, just because it is good for you.
If I may only have three friends any more, but they are true, you have however many do not even know how they call themselves, love you for your money and your influence is sure to Friends You really have even less than me.
You will have everything that money can buy, but you can never buy you love your parents, friends of truth and the freedom to do what you like, you know, so I hate him so much and try to make my life impossible , not to be happy, to be like you.
I'm tired of your little games, I tried to be your friend and you turned me why? I live in the attic of a small apartment in Brooklyn, which payment with money I earned for myself clearing tables in a bar and not being a daddy's girl.
Fare thee well, Princess, built a house of tears around your heart, lock yourself in it and become the brave as you see how your whole world falls apart. I will not be there to pick you up from the ruins of the castle, the maid has stolen the horse and has gone for the prince that you do not deserve.
Beware never get off his head to look around! Do not go unless you drop the crown.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Pst And Gst On A Used Boat?
When I was little, I saw my father mourn and curse the wind. He broke her heart as I watched them trying to fix it. And my mother swore he would never forget, and that was the day that promised to never sing about love, does not exist. But honey, you're the only exception. may know (in some dark corner of my soul) that love never lasts, and we have to find other ways to go it alone or look ahead. I've always lived well, keeping his distance ... so far. I had sworn to be happy in solitude, because there would be worth the risk for them. You are the only exception. I have a knot on reality, but I can not let go of what I have before. Know your leaving in the morning when you wake up, let me check that there is a dream. You are the only exception. And I'll go the way of believing in it.
the way I believe.
Friday, August 20, 2010
How Deep Is The Normal Hymen
Once upon a time under a cherry tree ...
I let
I found him under a tree, a beautiful cherry blossoms that had witnessed the waste of kissing, fondling and reproaches of hundreds of couples broken.
- What are you doing here? Did you sent it? He whispered when he realized that he was behind it.
"She has nothing to do with it. I've been on my own.
"Great, she turned to me and saw that his cheeks were shiny and wet, had been crying.
took a step back, eyes full of tears that scared me, I had never seen my brother mourn. For a moment I forgot the reason why he was there.
-Dan, what's wrong? Why are you crying?
did not answer, then I remembered that he had left my best friend, she asked me to come and talk to him since he was not answering her calls. In fact take a week does not appear at home. I sat beside her and rested my head on his shoulder.
"If it was you who decided to leave, why are you complaining now? So ...
-not you dare say "he muttered.
- ... nia. Sorry, it is fatal, has tried to slash his wrists and all.
He gave a bitter laugh as a tear slid down her cheek and fell into his lap.
"I'm serious. Why did you? I thought that was what you wanted in the world.
"It was not.
- Then why you went with it?
"That's what I love most in the world.
"Look, Daniel, do not understand. First you leave, then not show up at home, come here, I find you crying and telling me that you still want someone who has done so much damage. What the hell are you? You're my brother, it is assumed that I have to take example from you right? "My eyes filled with tears to see that Daniel was still looking straight ahead, shedding tears and not listen to me" why you left?
For the second time since I was there I looked into his eyes and saw something that got my heart shrinks.
"Anne, remember that a week ago I went to the doctor for some tests I did it?
nodded slightly.
-Dan, you're scaring me a lot.
-In these tests I was diagnosed with a tumor in the lung.
- Will doing surgery? Oh my God.
He stared and I knew there were going to operate. My eyes overflowed.
"It's too late," she whispered.
could not be true. My brother could not die. It was impossible, there must be a joke if it was a joke from my brother, the kind that just make you grace to him. I laughed, a laugh, clean, insane laughter.
"How funny you are, Dan. But lets make a joke and not fair. Seriously, why did you leave Sonia? "
-Ann, I'm going to die, it's no joke.
Then I realized it was true. My brother was dying. I tried to look strong, but could not, wanted too much to pass up Daniel. I hugged him with all my heart, as if that way I could stay with him forever.
- Time? "Was all I managed to articulate between sobs and tears.
his arm around my shoulders and then I saw it.
A sharp stone covered with blood.
eyes widened and I left him.
- NO! "I shouted. THIS CAN NOT MAKE U.S.!
Daniel turned and saw two red marks on her wrists, her forearms covered in blood.
"Sorry, Anna Tell mom and dad that I want.
- AND I DO! "I sobbed. How could you be so selfish? "Then I broke down, got dizzy and had to sit down, can not go, you can not do this to us. Can not leave me alone. DANIEL! Answer me, damn it, say something!
did not speak. I knelt before him and put my hands on the cheeks, raised his head, a dead weight. His eyes were empty. He was gone.
I let
a howl of rage. I got up and I punched the tree, I clawed hands, a handful of splinters dug into my fingers, but I did not care, that was nothing compared to the pain in his chest.
I read an inscription on the tree covered with blood, a heart around two names, Daniel and Sonia.
I took the stone with which my brother had killed himself on the back and saw the same inscription on the tree. Placed a stone in the hand of my brother and I hugged him.
Shedding tears at the end I fell asleep.
* * * * *
I found under a tree, a beautiful cherry blossoms that had witnessed the waste of kissing, fondling and reproaches of hundreds of couples broken. A cherry tree that he saw a boy take off his life and how her sister lost forever. A cherry tree from that day will not ever bloom again ..
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Ohio Drivers Liscence Holograms
How could you?
How could you deceive me like that? How could impersonate the same girl you were three years ago? But no, the fault was not yours, but mine. How could I believe that this smile was sincere? How could I believe that you were again? The friend I knew was lost years ago and I never will. But that afternoon, sitting in the park predicting that the first breezes of autumn arrive at any moment, I smiled as of old, I talked like when we were small and for a moment, a fleeting moment in which a leaf fell from his tree and rested between us, looked at me and thought I saw in your eyes a hint of truth, a glow of innocence that just before I had corrupted. But that moment passed, because time is fleeting and suddenly the brightness is turned off, your smile became in your usual and sneer, you got up and walked away to buy snuff. Since then I never ever have I seen my friend, my sister, my confidante or what was left of it.
Although I'm still waiting to see across the hallways between classes or to find her staring out the window, and every day I seek but never find it, and I'm getting tired of waiting.
'm starting to think that she would never return.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Pokémon Silver Version Mac
Or how throw seven keys to the tomb of Hartzenbusch.
I will go to grain. Is it good? Yes, a lot.
Some time ago I bought a book that, like many others, was on the stack of "outstanding." When that happens, I usually do not review any, because I hate that I recommend a book that I will not be able to buy. And as I read too many books lately late, I make no review, which has led to harsh rebukes of the most industrious hislibreños have reached threatened with expulsion fulminant and irreversible by my laziness. However, I can see that this book is on sale (and 10 euros!), So take the opportunity to wash my honor.
I repeat: how to throw seven keys to the tomb of Hartzenbusch (yes, I know that abuse of the phrase Joaquín Costa). Why do I mention the nineteenth Juan Eugenio?, Because that's what this novel of the Lovers of Teruel. Although, unlike the romantic playwright, who just a few sentences devoted to the adventures of Diego Martínez de Marcilla and reveled in the rough morbo the time of final meeting, this is a historical novel and focuses specifically on the story of events during the five-year deadline set by Mr. de Segura, something already announced in the subtitle successful.
The story begins with the famous lover back counting their sorrows in a gloomy dungeon. The choice of narrator is impeccable. I'm sick of first artificial persons, who are bent on telling that of which the protagonist is not a witness to unbelievable circumlocutions, memories that focus on trivialities impossible to remember, moral anachronisms the character is psychologically deep, long tirades instructive. Diego de Marcilla his memoirs in a first right person, no cheating. His vision of Las Navas de Tolosa is the rightful, including dust cloud, not "bird view" without rambling descriptions of where each unit was beyond the news coming into place, without an attempt to demonstrate that we have studied the diorama, without a bookish child unlikely that tells all as if that is what normal people do during a battle. This pattern continues throughout the novel, although Diego is gaining importance in time to witness makes the situation more and more detailed, however, still can not tell what I know and seeing what is not is within reach. I love that description of Sagunto without saying that Diego is ... because no knows. At the end, however, changes the narrator in a resource already used by other authors (such as Mika Waltari in the siege of Constantinople) to narrate an epilogue that connects us with the best known part of history, avoiding open-ended.
The language used has the right degree of arcaización. It seems that someone is talking to us old, but not exceeded. We have all read imitations of language that make reading time is tedious, even impossible, and it is not easy to find the average. The text of Roa, on the contrary, it reads well and, while we environmental.
literary text quality is also good. Has the right degree of beauty so that we can praise, but not enough to be cumbersome. The dominance of Castilian and wealth is also worth noting.
Rhythm is the corresponding. Anyone seeking action novels that "hooked" from first to last page in a marathon session you may feel disappointed, but it has its high points well proportioned and the interest is maintained throughout the text. The journey of Diego in search of wealth to do so deserve Isabel leads to adventures at the wheel of fortune rises and knocks the hero, and gives us a pleasantly entertaining reading.
The epic feel is right. Flee, as I said, the perfect description of the battles, but the character tells us enough to understand that and, above all, to make us feel on your skin. Las Navas or Muret can be found in any encyclopedia (in the serious, at least), and is not as important as not tell the whole mess up. Roa not tell everything or gaffe: not trying to overwhelm us demonstrate what they know, but it demonstrates what is silent. The run-Muret, especially, may piss off a fan of Peter the Catholic nobility, to which I have presented on occasion as the champion of justice by dying heroically defended their vassals against the overwhelming superiority of the French: for will might not, neither is as fierce as the lion or the chivalrous knight.
Emphasizing the epic sense, this time in smaller scale, I must admit my envy by some ability of the author, Roa is a master at what I'm clumsy: the description of the unique grief. When I see a seal between two swordsmen in a movie, think how hard it must be to bring the choreography to the written word and I admire those who are capable of doing. Well Roa is capable. The feints, shock, motion, immerse you in the moment as the best scene of the best movies.
The characters are believable, adjusted in time, without anachronisms, well built, and a consistent personal development. The character, but too cute for my taste (judging from the passions that up), it is plausible: it is not perfect, not saved miraculously impossible dangers, not always making the right decisions. The secondaries are introduced to their time and fulfill their role.
regard to historical accuracy, knowledge of the time is impeccable, which is more to admire taking into account the variety of scenarios: Teruel, Al-Andalus, Occitan, the Holy Land. The events described have been chosen so that the character to fulfill his five-year adventures, without changing dates or invent falsehoods without licenses. Micro-history (although it escapes an ear) is also correct, and costumes, weapons, food and customs are perfect accurately reflected. You know I have the reputation of "bookish", "thorough" and other epithets (some a little more unpleasant), but stumbled with the name of Alcuin of York (and that's why I wrote it a hundred times, you remember). You all know what limping foot (the left hump me in '90 in a tree pit of Barcelona) and which hand I'm lame. That is, if no protest is because I could not find kits (good ear).
Did I mention that I liked it? For compradla. Factsheet
Title: El Caballero del Alba. Five chronic Years.
Author: Sebastian Roa Mesado.
Editorial: Editors Tremens Librum SL Madrid, 2008.
Paperback, 445 pages.
PVP: 10 euros.
Link to critical
Or how throw seven keys to the tomb of Hartzenbusch.
I will go to grain. Is it good? Yes, a lot.
Some time ago I bought a book that, like many others, was on the stack of "outstanding." When that happens, I usually do not review any, because I hate that I recommend a book that I will not be able to buy. And as I read too many books lately late, I make no review, which has led to harsh rebukes of the most industrious hislibreños have reached threatened with expulsion fulminant and irreversible by my laziness. However, I can see that this book is on sale (and 10 euros!), So take the opportunity to wash my honor.
I repeat: how to throw seven keys to the tomb of Hartzenbusch (yes, I know that abuse of the phrase Joaquín Costa). Why do I mention the nineteenth Juan Eugenio?, Because that's what this novel of the Lovers of Teruel. Although, unlike the romantic playwright, who just a few sentences devoted to the adventures of Diego Martínez de Marcilla and reveled in the rough morbo the time of final meeting, this is a historical novel and focuses specifically on the story of events during the five-year deadline set by Mr. de Segura, something already announced in the subtitle successful.
The story begins with the famous lover back counting their sorrows in a gloomy dungeon. The choice of narrator is impeccable. I'm sick of first artificial persons, who are bent on telling that of which the protagonist is not a witness to unbelievable circumlocutions, memories that focus on trivialities impossible to remember, moral anachronisms the character is psychologically deep, long tirades instructive. Diego de Marcilla his memoirs in a first right person, no cheating. His vision of Las Navas de Tolosa is the rightful, including dust cloud, not "bird view" without rambling descriptions of where each unit was beyond the news coming into place, without an attempt to demonstrate that we have studied the diorama, without a bookish child unlikely that tells all as if that is what normal people do during a battle. This pattern continues throughout the novel, although Diego is gaining importance in time to witness makes the situation more and more detailed, however, still can not tell what I know and seeing what is not is within reach. I love that description of Sagunto without saying that Diego is ... because no knows. At the end, however, changes the narrator in a resource already used by other authors (such as Mika Waltari in the siege of Constantinople) to narrate an epilogue that connects us with the best known part of history, avoiding open-ended.
The language used has the right degree of arcaización. It seems that someone is talking to us old, but not exceeded. We have all read imitations of language that make reading time is tedious, even impossible, and it is not easy to find the average. The text of Roa, on the contrary, it reads well and, while we environmental.
literary text quality is also good. Has the right degree of beauty so that we can praise, but not enough to be cumbersome. The dominance of Castilian and wealth is also worth noting.
Rhythm is the corresponding. Anyone seeking action novels that "hooked" from first to last page in a marathon session you may feel disappointed, but it has its high points well proportioned and the interest is maintained throughout the text. The journey of Diego in search of wealth to do so deserve Isabel leads to adventures at the wheel of fortune rises and knocks the hero, and gives us a pleasantly entertaining reading.
The epic feel is right. Flee, as I said, the perfect description of the battles, but the character tells us enough to understand that and, above all, to make us feel on your skin. Las Navas or Muret can be found in any encyclopedia (in the serious, at least), and is not as important as not tell the whole mess up. Roa not tell everything or gaffe: not trying to overwhelm us demonstrate what they know, but it demonstrates what is silent. The run-Muret, especially, may piss off a fan of Peter the Catholic nobility, to which I have presented on occasion as the champion of justice by dying heroically defended their vassals against the overwhelming superiority of the French: for will might not, neither is as fierce as the lion or the chivalrous knight.
Emphasizing the epic sense, this time in smaller scale, I must admit my envy by some ability of the author, Roa is a master at what I'm clumsy: the description of the unique grief. When I see a seal between two swordsmen in a movie, think how hard it must be to bring the choreography to the written word and I admire those who are capable of doing. Well Roa is capable. The feints, shock, motion, immerse you in the moment as the best scene of the best movies.
The characters are believable, adjusted in time, without anachronisms, well built, and a consistent personal development. The character, but too cute for my taste (judging from the passions that up), it is plausible: it is not perfect, not saved miraculously impossible dangers, not always making the right decisions. The secondaries are introduced to their time and fulfill their role.
regard to historical accuracy, knowledge of the time is impeccable, which is more to admire taking into account the variety of scenarios: Teruel, Al-Andalus, Occitan, the Holy Land. The events described have been chosen so that the character to fulfill his five-year adventures, without changing dates or invent falsehoods without licenses. Micro-history (although it escapes an ear) is also correct, and costumes, weapons, food and customs are perfect accurately reflected. You know I have the reputation of "bookish", "thorough" and other epithets (some a little more unpleasant), but stumbled with the name of Alcuin of York (and that's why I wrote it a hundred times, you remember). You all know what limping foot (the left hump me in '90 in a tree pit of Barcelona) and which hand I'm lame. That is, if no protest is because I could not find kits (good ear).
Did I mention that I liked it? For compradla. Factsheet
Title: El Caballero del Alba. Five chronic Years.
Author: Sebastian Roa Mesado.
Editorial: Editors Tremens Librum SL Madrid, 2008.
Paperback, 445 pages.
PVP: 10 euros.
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